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Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.8 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.2 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.4 
Number of comments: 481 [displaying comments 331 to 341]
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A. M. from Little Rock, Arkansas (5/3/2005)
"Nice race, but very HILLY" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

I ran the half marathon, so I can only comment on that experience, but the course was the same for the first 11 miles, so hopefully this can be helpful.

From what I've read, the weather wasn't as bad as 2004, but it was cold, dreary, and overcast the entire race. It didn't really bother me during the run, but it was COLD afterward, and I had not thought ahead and brought warmer clothes.

I thought the expo was well organized, and although there were a few lines to pick up packets, I don't think it took me 15 minutes to get through, and I went late on Friday evening. The rest of the expo was nice, with the majority of the major running manufacturers represented.

I like the wave start, although I was in corral 10, and apparently the corral wasn't large enough, so I stood on the sidewalk until the earlier corrals were released and there was more room. Even with the wave start... this is a crowded race. I kept bumping into people for the first five miles, and it really didn't thin out until mile nine.

As I said earlier, the course is hilly, and I run in central Arkansas, which is really hilly. For me to say that, it means it was really hilly. However, it was a nice course for the 13.1 miles, mostly residential.

Nice long chute after the finish where you weave through picking up food, water, and those Spenco sandals (which I hear they ran out of). I wasn't impressed with the amount of food or variety offered at the end, but it sufficed.


Lisa Smith from Tullahoma, Tennessee (5/3/2005)
"Great 2005 Marathon!" (about: 2005)

2 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

The weather cooperated that year. We all know how TN's weather is a crapshoot but this year's CMM was blessed. The wave start pumped us up and helped with the crowded start. I suggest going to the expo on Thursday or early Friday morning. Since I'm a native from an hour away in Tullahoma, TN, I will strive to do it every year, rain or shine.


D. M. from Atlanta, GA (5/3/2005)
"Excellent Spectator Support/Shuttles Suck " (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

Ran the 1/2 in 2005. Lots of fan support, especially in the neighborhood from 3-6 miles. People sitting in their front yards with signs watching the runners. Very cool. One older couple actually sitting out drinking a bottle of champagne! ;). 2 complaints... 1) My wife was walk running, and finished the half around 3 hours - by that time no power gels, no space blankets, etc.... That's bad... 2) The shuttle back to the race start was $15... COME ON!!! I had a wife and 2 kids. $60?!?! Ridiculous... Luckily we had a friend come up and give us a ride, else we'd have been stuck as no cabs were to be seen.

On a VERY positive note... WAVE STARTS ROCK!!! I had to side step once the entire race!!! AWESOME!


c. w. from austintown, ohio (5/3/2005)
"We will keep coming back!!! " (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathons

Except for the very minor flaw of not receiving some things - such as the sandals - at the race's end due to you all running out, and some water stations shutting down to quickly, everything was excellent. We will keep coming back!!


T. P. from Columbus, Ohio (5/2/2005)
"Great experience for any level runner." (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

The event was well organized from the expo through the finish area. Volunteers were great, hills were manageable, water, gels and fruit were plentiful. I would recommend this event to any level runner and would do it again myself. Spectators varied throughout course but good overall, especially considering cloudy, cool weather. Bands were a real plus.


j. f. from central illinois (5/2/2005)
"Will keep coming back..." (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathons

This is my sixth CMM and I plan on coming back for more. Nashville is a great host. Super volunteers and fan support, despite less than stellar weather to spectate. Elite does a solid job organizing the race, especially given the way it has grown over the years. Between the race and nightlife, it makes for a great weekend. Only change I'd like to see would be to allow the finish inside the stadium.


S. H. from Chicago, IL (5/2/2005)
"Horrible traffic control" (about: 2005)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

Don't let the Elite Racing publicity fool you---Nashville is hilly. Also, there was minimal police department traffic control driving to the finish line before the race. It took over 30 minutes to drive the last half mile. We sat on the interstate with thousands of our closest friends, looking at the coliseum. Leaving the coliseum after the race was better, but it took 15 minutes to get from the parking lot to the street.


J. G. from Philly, Pa. (5/2/2005)
"Well organized, fun course, great crowd support" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

Was my 6th Marathon and first time in Nashville. The course has plenty of hills, but the bands were great, the fans were great and the race was very well organized. Having the race on a Saturday allowed us to hit the town Saturday night. I plan on hitting other states for my next race - but would definitely do this race again otherwise...


A. C. from Pennsylvania (5/2/2005)
"Actually, a half-marathon event" (about: 2005)

3 previous marathons | 1 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathon

This was a disappointment, especially after reading the generally positive comments on this board for 2004. This event is really best thought of as a half marathon with a full marathon tacked on. There are few spectators, almost none for the marathon - only segment (after the half peels off, it's really lonely, except that you do get to see the other runners, thanks to the many out-and-back sections). The course is really a hilly one, despite assurances to the contrary elsewhere and on the official site. The course is kindly described as quirky ("poorly conceived" would be another, more accurate way to describe it). The 1/2 marathon splits were all off, as the chip pad was more than a half mile beyond the 1/2 marathon split (very lame), and 2 of the mile sign timers on the marathon course were not working (lame).

The water station volunteers were great, and thank God for the cheerleaders, since this would have been a lonely, lonely run without them (and the very enthusiastic refreshment stations).

Nashville also doesn't seem to know how to handle an event of this type (one that brings additional visitors into town on a weekend). The restaurant we went to on Saturday night, despite having a marathon poster in the window (which would seem to indicate that it knew about the event) was out of basically all the best items on the menu (our waiter did tell us that they were great, before telling us we couldn't have them). It would be one thing if the event were suddenly much larger this year, but the fact is that it was about the same size this year as last year means that businesses are not anticipating this event, even if they are promoting it.


M. H. from Murfreesboro, TN (5/2/2005)
"Changes in '05 will bring me back for '06" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 3 Rock 'n' Roll Country Music Marathons

All the complaints about organization, crowding of the course, and support were vastly improved this year ('05). Nashville is not as flat as Chicago, but the hills were not that bad either. Stagger start relieved crowding in miles 1-6, and the cool weather was great. I had a personal best time. Expo night before had more space.


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