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Prague International Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.7 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.0 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.1 
Number of comments: 48 [displaying comments 21 to 31]
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B. S. from Dublin, Ireland (5/23/2008)
"best organization so far" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Prague International Marathon

It was my third marathon. I came 8th. I have to say that the organization for this marathon is brilliant: the stand at the airport, the pasta party and exhibition, the start on the old town square, the nice t-shirt, the party after the race on Sunday.... I'll do it again if I can next year.


John Murray from Glasgow, Scotland (5/16/2007)
"A brilliantly organized, flat, circuitous race." (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Prague International Marathon

Prague's organization is the best I've ever encountered. Extra drinks and feeding stations were added last-minute due to the extreme heat, meaning that towards the end you could drink every 2K. The course is very flat - unfortunately, in keeping this course flat, the organizers are forced to run the marathon along a series of out-and-back loops, which can be very disheartening, especially with 5 or 6K to go.

As well as seeing all of the sites of Prague the route takes you through some of the more industrial and less salubrious areas. In some ways this is quite refreshing because you'll see the real Prague as well as the touristy side of the city. There were bands of varying quality in 7 or 8 locations, which helped lift spirits. The crowds were congregated only in the city center and around the main attractions, the best of which would need to be crossing the Charles Bridge which was closed to the public, offering a unique experience for runners.

In general I would recommend this marathon; however it's not particularly easy on the mind due to the loops... the alcohol-free beer around the course for runners is a quirky idea although I didn't see a single person trying any!


N. P. from Barcelona, Spain (1/22/2007)
"Beautiful race in a beautiful place" (about: 2005)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Prague International Marathon

Just would like to share here with you: I ran the Prague Marathon and it is a really great race in a unique city. Running through Prague, you will feel its magic and the spirit of running festivities as well. The organization was perfect, and while the expo could be bigger, it was interesting and worked well. From the start on the Old Town Square, to the ton of friendly spectators, to the music festival, and even to the after-race party with complementary beer - everything here made me happy. And then they gave a nice medal (with a possibility to engrave your name and time on it) - just wonderful. Some part of the course was going a little bit outside, but I have heard they are changing it for 2007 to be more in the city. Probably will go again. And here is my advice: you should try it as well. You will never forget its atmosphere.


J. K. from Ukraine (10/6/2006)
"Well worth it" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Prague International Marathon

If you are someone who is thinking about running this race, you should know that it's a good marathon and well worth running. I mean, come on people, we are talking about Prague here. The city of Kafka. Some people have complained about cobblestones at the start and finish, but then again, why are you running the Prague Marathon? I don't think many people run this race to throw down a PR; they do it so that can say to friends, "Oh yeah, went to Prague to run a marathon. Oh, you've never been? You really must go.... Nice place, that Prague."

As for the rest of the course, they ran us out of town and then back in on an out-and-back, which I don't mind because you get to see the leaders run by you and think to yourself... if only I work a bit harder. To people complaining about not enough "crowd support"... get over it, or only stick to the biggies like Boston and New York. Do you really expect the entire town to turn out and cheer all day long for a few thousand runners? Them's my thoughts... good marathon, not the best I've run, but well worth it.


Liam Mycroft from Dublin, Ireland (6/2/2006)
"Getting there - Still more to do" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Prague International Marathon

Agree with some of what has been said by others, but I really enjoyed the Prague Experience (4:07:57), and have to say the Cobblestones had no effect on my performance. The heat actually got to me a little, so had to back off from my 4 hour target.

Overall the expo was very weak, so much more could be done with this. Absolutely agree with Simon as to merchandise, with so many 'tourist' runners, they missed a Big opportunity to sell race merchandise.

Yes the dual carriageways were boring, but, although they must have seemed like 35K, I don't think it was that bad. Crowd support was minimal, but the buzz up the finishing straight towards the Old Town was fantastic.

I would come back. Prague is beautiful, and the beer excellent post-race. I have a full report on my Blog at if you want a deeper impression of the race.


P. K. from US (5/20/2006)
"Great Marathon, Needs Water" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Prague International Marathon

Everything was perfect except the water. They used a mineral water which was very heavy in minerals, which I'm not at all used to. I think it casued me to throw up during the race and weighted heavily on my stomach for the 2-4 kilometeres before. I wish they would use a more glaciar type mineral water rather than one from the underground springs variety next time.

If you run it, I suggest training while drinking this type of mineral water to get used to it.


J. L. from New York, NY (5/19/2006)
"Cobblestone Galore" (about: 2006)

3 previous marathons | 1 Prague International Marathon

Overall a scenic marathon. The first 5K is all throughout the town of Prague. Mostly on cobblestone or tram tracks. There are 2 long stretches (right by the 1/2 marathon mark and the last from 28K-38K). The two long back-to-back stretches are on nicely paved roads (thank goodness!)
They've improved race support by strategically placing volunteers all throughout the course and having rock bands play in the more far-end parts of the course.
They gave the following at aid stations: Mattoni water, Isostar energy drink, oranges, bananas, salt, sugar cubes, sponges/water.
I didn't notice many tourists along the course near the end (and I finished over 5 hours). Overall a really nice race. I hated the 2 small steps 60m from the finish line...
The engraving after the race cost some money (like 130 crowns?)
Also, the chip they use is the one where you wrap around your ankle.
Race Expo was a bit small from the others I've attended. Adidas had a big promo wheryeou have to run a certain speed on the treadmill for 10 minutes and u get discounts on their store or a discounted ipod.
Though I know this is an exaggeration, but it felt like 1/2 the course was on cobblestone!


Simon Cox from London,England (5/17/2006)
"Beautiful city (not-so-beautiful marathon!)" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Prague International Marathon

Let me start with the positives:

1. Prague is a beautiful city and well worth a visit anyway.
2. The first and last KM are brilliant, as they are run in the old town with great support.
3. The music on the course is well-appreciated.

However, 35 KM of the course are run on a dual carriageway outside the city, and it's boring and repetitive with no crowd support.

If the Prague Marathon is to compete with the other marathons in the area, which are also run at the same time of the year (i.e. Vienna). It needs to promote itself better by actually having merchandise at the expo to sell and getting the locals to support the race.


tobias tinker from berlin, germany (5/16/2006)
"superb experience, very few complaints" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 Prague International Marathon

This was my second marathon, and my first with a time goal (4:00, finished in 3:55), and what a great place to do it! Quite a flat course considering how hilly the city actually is. Sightseeing would be hard to improve on for a city race, but that pretty much goes without saying. Running across the Charles Bridge! Looking up at the Castle and Vysehrad! Starting and finishing in Old Town Square! It's just a gorgeous city. The one thing missing from the course is a big vista, but that would add a pretty serious hill. I walked up to Letna for a beer with a view the next day, not as intense as the Castle or Petrin.

The cobbles didn't bother me as much as I thought they would. The long out of town leg was hard, though I agree that it was inspiring to see some of the lead runners on their way back. But what a long way back. Organization was great, water stations excellent (no fizzy water this time, thank goodness!), spectators and music good but after Berlin I have high standards. Same goes for the massage - only one tent, there was simply no way I could stand still and wait that long.

Finally... if a beer after a long run sounds good to you, there is quite simply nowhere on earth you can get a better one!


Michael Madder from Bournemouth, England (6/5/2005)
"The Pros and Cons Even Out" (about: 2005)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Prague International Marathon

I believe that this was the 11th running of this event and I am left feeling that there are still basic lessons for the organizers to learn (e.g., get the start structured and you will achieve fairer results). Although the start section was numbered, the numbers did not always tally with predicted times. And it wasn't possible to get to front sections anyway unless you were there early. I hope that the organizers dont take a 'like it or lump it' attitude just because they ride on the back of a great city.

But let's not be too harsh. Their website was excellent. Race entry was simplicity itself. The venue quite remarkable. And the mix of overseas runners fascinating. Yes, as everyone has mentioned, there are cobbled sections, and the tram lines add to the interest. So I don't have any problem with the out-of-town sections... I did my sightseeing the day before! and who wants to run 26 miles on cobbles? You can't have it both ways. And as for the long out-and-back sections, what a time for admiring those elite, lead runners who you dont normally see in full flight. And what a time to recognize the efforts of those who are way behind you and to encourage them.

Having run London 5 weeks earlier it would be easy to make lots of negative contrasts but Prague is Prague and London is London. I'd gladly run either of them again if God continues to bless me with marathon fitness. They still haven't got the drink stations set up in a clear way (and who wants fizzy water anyway?!) and the T-shirt was a disappointment. However, the medal was good, and the engraving service immediately after the finish was novel. The pasta party had all the right ingredients but deserved a bigger venue and more convenient times.

But as I say, the points for and against just about even out. At the end of the day, I knew I'd had a super day of running... and that is what I went for.


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