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Prague International Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 3.7 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.0 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.1 
Number of comments: 48 [displaying comments 31 to 41]
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J. P. from Holland (5/24/2005)
"Good atmosphere, good race, great city" (about: 2005)

1 previous marathon | 1 Prague International Marathon

Prague is a nice marathon. The city is a great place to be and is alone worth a visit. It is also a very nice atmosphere during the whole event. Lots of runners in the city. Easy contact everywhere. The organization was good. Start number pick up was good, directions and area before the start and after the finish were very good. Since it was very warm, the organization provided for extra water posts. The course brings you to nice Prague scenery. However, less scenic parts are also included. The cobblestones in the old city are difficult to run, especially when returning to the old city over Charles Bridge. There are not many spectators along the course; however, since you encounter other runners for large parts, you won't feel alone.


Jeff Langill from Halifax, NS, Canada (6/23/2004)
"Great race" (about: 2004)

2 previous marathons | 1 Prague International Marathon

Great race! The course was flat and fast except for the cobblestones near the start and finish. Very organized with plenty of water and fruit stations. My only complaint about the organization was near the finish, pedestrians were wandering across the course. The spectators were good, but as the course left town so did the spectators. Overall enjoyable race and a must vist destination. A great choice for a European marathon.


R. S. from Preston (5/28/2004)
"Great City with a Good Marathon" (about: 2004)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Prague International Marathon

First marathon for a number of years and I enjoyed it. I have read the other comments and agree with most. The crowd support does lapse when you leave the city onto what could best be described as a dual carriageway, and then only returns as you reenter the city, about 10K from the finish. The course is flat, although the cobblestones in the city are interesting underfoot! Also the weather was 'changable,'one minute sunny but cool, then dark clouds move in, temperature drops and you get a heavy shower.

My biggest criticism is on behalf of my friends the wheelchair athletes. Admittedly there were only a couple of participants but that is perhaps not surprising as they were not catered to. There were ineffective ramps on curbs to the extent that at one point the crowd had to assist an athlete and his chariot over an obstacle or he would have been unable to continue. However the people of Prague are so friendly and their city so beautiful they fully compensate for the few blemishes I bring to your attention. Prague will definitely be on my revisit list.


C. D. from Cambridge, England (5/27/2004)
"Nice start but dreary once out of town" (about: 2004)

2 previous marathons | 1 Prague International Marathon

The start and first 5K are right in the center of the city, which is a beautiful beginning. The majority of the run outside the city is featureless and back along the same road which is rather boring. The volunteers are enthusiastic and try their best but being in the just-under-5=hours group, I found that some water stops were struggling to get enough cups on the table and others had no energy drink. Sliced oranges, bananas were available but watch out for lots of peel on the roads. Coming in for the last 5k or so the cobbles and shoppers crossing the street combine for an interesting finish.

This was my second marathon, first was London which was always going to be hard to beat for atmosphere and organization and as expected Prague didn't come close.


T. K. from San Francisco (12/19/2003)
"A disappointing race for such a wonderful city" (about: 1999)


The course has some very scenic sections at the beginning and end - through Old Town, across the Charles Bridge, etc. Unfortunately, much of the race is run outside town and there is not much to see. This also results in a lack of specators. The difficult cobblestones in town are offset by smooth pavement outside town, so the race can be fairly fast. The lack of crowds included the city center, and the feeling was that the city wanted you to 'hurry up and get the race over with so that we can get back to servicing the tourists'. The expo and post-race activities were marginal, as were the water stops. Overall, I felt the runners were treated as a 'side show', whereas at other marathons in both larger and smaller cities (Chicago, New York, Boston, Vienna, Echternach, Honolulu, Berlin) we were the 'main event'.


K. C. from South Yorkshire (5/30/2003)
"A lovely city. Nice place to run." (about: 2003)


My first marathon. Beautiful setting for a marathon, and the old town square was the perfect starting (and finishing) point. The first few miles running through the streets of Prague were great. The course was okay - even running along the highway there was greenery, so not so bad. A shame to run so far out and then back along the same route though.
The cobbled streets were quaint on the way out, but on the way back to the finish they were painful. Being not very quick (finished in 5 hours), the music had packed up and gone by the time I was on the return leg. The crowds had gone home and the atmosphere - at a time when you needed some extra motivation - was sadly lacking.
The drink stops were good - plenty of sponges - and the race volunteers were excellent throughout.
Queues for the toilets at the start were ridiculous, although I believe that is standard for all marathons.
All in all, an enjoyable experience for a first marathon, although upon reflection, one with better crowd support might have suited my needs better.
Prague is well worth the visit.


Kyle Okimoto from New York NY (5/21/2003)
"Great combo marathon/vacation" (about: 2003)


Prague was my first 'serious' marathon ever and my first in 18 years. Prague is a very beautiful and interesting destination and to be able to incorporate it into an enjoyable destination makes it a perfect trip.

The initial marathon course is very special. You start in picturesque Old Town Square and go for about 5km through the historic areas of Stare and Nove Mesto. You then cross the Charles Bridge into Mala Strana and then head south to the suburbs on what I can best describe as a small interstate highway. You then do a loop through a suburban area and then head back on the highway the same way to the finish at the starting point in Old Town Square. The start is a bit disorganized, as there is a queueing system in theory but not in practice. Just get in the chute early and you're fine.

As you might imagine, the parts on the highway are not so interesting visually, but there are advantages. From what I can gather, most European marathons space their aid stations every 5km. In this marathon, because you are going out and back the aid stations are more frequent than that during the time you are on the highway. In 2003 this was very important, as the weather was extremely warm and sunny. In addition, for a visitor like myself it was nice to identify milestones to look for on the way back. The layout of the course makes it difficult for spectators to see you one the course multiple times beyond the first 5k unless they have wheels or want to get on a train. However, there were many people who had friends bike with them for almost the whole race once it left central Prague.

There is little spectator support beyond 10km all the way to the 20km and again from 28km to 38km. This is tough. There is music support through something called the Staropramen Music Festival but there is no such support where there are no spectators. There is a critical mass of spectators only in central Prague, and a ton of spectators only about 500m from the finish in.

Aid stations served water and a sports drink called Isostar, which I had no problem with. The only difficulty with drinks occurs because there is no delineation between water and Isostar on the cup itself. They also provide cut bananas and oranges, as well as sponges at all aid stations.

The expo was small and by and large a non-event. You receive a marathon shirt when you pick up your number and another shirt, along with a very nice medal, at the finish. Volunteer support is excellent throughout.

There are other races on the same day, a 10k and a relay, along with a family race. These races do not interfere with the marathon but they add to the spectacle. There also was a pasta party and an after-race party in Letna Park, a distance from the finish area, that I did not attend.

Overall, this was a very positive experience that I would recommend to anyone.


A Runner from CHICAGO (11/5/2002)
"" (about: 2002)


thanks czech marathon
dziekuje CZECH


marathonplz2hotmail from CHICAGO (11/5/2002)
"THANKS CZECHY" (about: 2002)




Hazael Martinez from Monterrey, Mexico (6/22/2002)
"Good, but..." (about: 2002)


Prague Intl. Marathon 2002 was my first marathon and overall it was a great experience. Prague is a world class destination and it is worth any effort to go there.

However I would like to point out a few glitches I ran into regarding the organization:

1. In feb. 2002 the web page advertised that you would get a t-shirt and a jacket with paid registration. Later the jacket 'disappeared' from the text.

2. Regarding the pasta party: in the ticket there was an ad about a shuttle to get to the party. Again it was cancelled, you had to there by yourself.

3. I tried to buy a souvenir glass at the PIM expo priced at Czk 20 paying with a Czk 50 bill: sorry, no change.

4. About the race itself: most of it was outside the city limits, and it wasn't very scenic compared to the part of the race in the town center.

5. I also felt the supplies you get during the race (Iso, water, fruit) were a bit on the short side.

All of this reminds me of the old salesman saying: 'I promise things to sell, and after I sell I forgot the things I promised'

I don't know if I am being too hard on this evaluation, I think that after I run 2 o 3 more marathons I would be able to compare more accurately.


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