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Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.1 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.7 
Number of comments: 347 [displaying comments 121 to 131]
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R. W. from Oakland, CA (10/18/2009)
"Race is great; website sucks" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

The race is great but I'm still trying to find the official results online. The website is impossible to navigate.

Vicki Keever from Healdsburg, California (10/18/2009)
"the hills were killer..." (about: 2009)

3 previous marathons | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

Since I walked and jogged a half-marathon a week ago in "Healdsburg Wine Country Marathon," I had a good comparison. This was much more difficult with the S. F. hills rather than the rolling hills of the wine country. This was a good challenge for me, but I think I did it in the same amount time. I can't find my time on the site so I guess I will know later how I did. I would do it again. It was fun to meet up with my friends, Kim Pace from Reno and Kim Tolotti from Oregon.

n. j. from san francisco (10/18/2009)
"interesting running it the second time" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathons

I ran this marathon several years back and had a great experience. But this time I noticed a lot of flaws with the entire event. First, for the non-purple jersey runners there was almost no support. Even at the finish line, only the purple runners' names were recognized, but for the non-Team in Training runners there was absolutely no support. After crossing the finish line, the two groups were separated. The purple people were treated to sandwiches, and for the non, we got crappy bagels and chocolate milk (even though 80% of the population is lactose intolerant). Nike should just change the event name to the Nike Team-in-Training Women's Marathon, because in no way shape or form did they support the rest of the SF running population. By the way, the non-purple people paid our entry fee to run the event. I will never run this marathon again and will do my best to avoid supporting Nike and Michael Vick.

B. S. from Chicago (10/18/2009)
"Beautiful scenery! Great support staff." (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons

The course was great and the drink stations were done well. I loved all of the stuff after the finish line too. Well done! The bus situation was HORRIBLE. I didn't know where to go, and the line was very long to stand in after a race. The website was equally horrible. Nothing is easy to find, including the course map and the results. The info is not well laid out at all. I had to search.

M. S. from Phoenix, AZ (6/7/2009)
""Run Like a Girl"" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

I would give the course five stars except for the part around Lake Merced; see some of the previous comments about that. The organization was excellent, but with a few flaws. If I could have rated it 4.8 or 4.9, I would have.

Although this was my first marathon, I ran the half marathon on this course the year before, and would rate the half-marathon portion of the course five stars.

A. F. from Bethlehem, PA (4/6/2009)
"Interesting Experience" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

I would call my experience with marathon "bittersweet." I loved the city, loved the whole "run like a girl" theme, and thought that the event was cool. After running my second marathon elsewhere, I have something to compare it to and would say the following negatives:

1. I started with the 10-11-minute-per-mile pace group... among many others. However, from the starting line, there were people walking it - from the 10-11-minute-per-mile pace group!!!! I am totally on board with the whole walker thing, but why can't they start them at a separate time? Can't they have an actual walking "group?" Why were the walkers not considerate enough to start with the later pace groups? It was frustrating, and I spent much of the run dodging them.

2. The entire marathon was beautiful until you run around Lake Merced. You don't even SEE the lake - it is a highway and you barely have one lane closed off. Until you get back on the section by the ocean, this is ugly and depressing, and it was where I hit my wall.

Besides those two factors, I did love the rest of the race. What a cool way to see such a cool city... and the medal and t-shirt are so cute! The people are pretty nice and there are lots of stops with water and amenities. I would not do this marathon again, but I would recommend trying it at least once.

I. B. from Dublin, Ireland (2/27/2009)
"Overall a fantastic experience" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

The allure of the spectacular scenery, the Tiffany necklace medal and the fact that it supports the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society convinced me to fly 5,000 miles to take part in this marathon - and it didn't disappoint! Overall, I found the organization to be excellent. I admit the fact that you couldn't purchase any of the branded merchandise at the expo itself was a little annoying but then again Niketown was right beside it. The course itself was challenging and boy did those hills in the first half really sock the energy out of me. However, the support around the course was amazing and the camaraderie of my fellow participants really pulled me through. The aid stations were great - Vaseline, tissue, Band-Aids, etc. Water and Gatorade were on hand at regular intervals. I was physically and mentally drained by the time I reached the finish line, but the fire fighters in tuxedos brandishing Tiffany necklaces brought a welcome smile to my face! There were plenty of bagels, recovery drinks and smoothies for the weary runners! Although there long lines for the buses back to the city post-marathon, given the number participating this is hardly surprising. This probably isn't the marathon for those trying to qualify for Boston, but I would highly recommend it otherwise. It was an amazing experience for my first marathon!

J. L. from Rockledge, FL (2/23/2009)
"Poor website" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

This is a great race! My memory of it is marred by the disorganization of the "official" website.

D. W. from Rio Rancho, New Mexico (2/19/2009)
"Awesome first-time marathon!" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

This was my very first marathon. I did the half-marathon and it was an awesome first-time experience. I hope to do it every year for as long as I can. Since I turned 62 a couple of weeks after the 2008 race, my racing days are numbered.

Having never run a marathon before, I have no comparison regarding organization; however, considering that there were 20,000 participants, it seemed well organized to me. Although it was frustrating to stand in line, it was not unexpected because of the number of participants. There seemed to be sufficient numbers of people helping with all aspects of the race.

I was amazed at the number of restroom facilities along the race course. Great job! I was also pleasantly surprised with the number of water/aid/food stations along the course as well as the amount of post-race food and liquids.

The course is incredibly scenic and the weather while not perfect was good for running; however, it was a little cool for standing in line for the buses back to Union Square.

I wasn't a part of TNT, so as I got farther along in the race, I did begin to feel a little lonely, since I wasn't wearing purple. There seemed to be plenty of people cheering for the TNT runners, but they also cheered for everyone else. I had a particularly gratifying experience during the race. I had pinned my number to the back of my shirt. Somewhere around mile 5 or 6, a couple of women told me I should move my number to the front of my shirt so that when photographs were taken it would be easier to identify me. They stopped long enough to help me move my number to the front of my shirt. Thank you, ladies!

The only real negative had to do with the spectator pass/bus. My husband had problems getting to the cheering stations along the course. His bus left the start area so that they skipped the first cheering station and went directly to the second. At about mile 12 I called him from my cell phone to see where he was during the race; he was somewhere around mile 10 or 11 waiting to see me. He did manage to get to the finish area before I did, so he got to see me cross the finish line.

I did have a few problems with the website not being exactly user-friendly last year; however, this year I haven't been able to find out ANY information on the 2009 marathon, so it seems to be even worse.

This race was a great first experience and I hope to return in future years. I have recommended this race to anyone who will listen.

A. P. from Long Beach, CA (2/10/2009)
"Awesome!" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathons

I have run this half-marathon for four years in a row. I absolutely love it, and will do it every year I can (crossing my fingers that I get in this year). Personally, I think the lottery system is a good thing. In 2007 the half sold out ridiculously fast (a few hours, I believe). I luckily got in through an event at a local running store, but otherwise wouldn't have been able to run. At least with the lottery, everyone who wants the opportunity has a chance. In '07 it felt like I was trying to get the hottest concert ticket in town.

Organization: I am completely astonished at how many people think that the race organization is poor, since it is the best organized race I have ever run. The organizers have a large number of runners to work with, so yes, there will be lines. But you don't have to wait in them! If you want a manicure, wait (I waited about 30 minutes... not bad, considering). If you don't, skip it.

Packet pickup was a breeze. It took all of about five minutes, and I went midday on Saturday.

If race expos are your thing, I would suggest attending some expos in your home town. But seriously, who runs a race for the expo? If you need GU, go to the drug store right across the street from the expo. If you want some gear, wait until after the race on Sunday to shop, or order online (for a discount) about a week later. I love the gear Nike makes for this race, and every year I get stuff (and wear it a LOT).

Post race: Hello, firemen! Mine was particularly nice to look at... I just wish I got a pic. :) The necklace was very cool, the corrals for t-shirts and food work amazingly well, and Nike gives you more post-race food than I've gotten after any other race. Getting your bag is simple, as well. People were complaining about lines for massages.... THEY'RE FREE, PEOPLE! Of course there will be lines! Do you really expect Nike to get personal massage therapists for everyone? Most races don't even have post-race massages, so I think it's great.

The race: Hilly? Yes, but it is San Francisco. It's definitely not as hilly as Big Sur. I don't think the hills are that bad, personally. It's a gorgeous course, with tons of aid stations and a variety of fruit and gels, etc. The weather has been PERFECT every year.

The only negative is the crowded course, which will be everyone's complaint. You'll be weaving the entire race, so if that bothers you, don't run it. (If they restrict the participants even more, that means you'll have more people complaining next year about how they didn't get in, so you can't really win. It's for a good cause!)

Also, I didn't do TNT, so it does start to feel a bit lonely if you're not wearing purple, but there are plenty of people cheering along the course for everyone.

And yes, the website sucked. They changed it for last year's race, and I think they've gotten a fairly negative response on it. Here's to hoping they change it back.

But that's it for the negatives. I realize that people will find something to complain about in every situation, but for me, this race is a great experience every year. That's why I keep going back.

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