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Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.1 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.7 
Number of comments: 347 [displaying comments 101 to 111]
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J. P. from Charleston, SC (10/20/2009)
"Pretty course, fun experience, very laid back" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

The Nike Women's Marathon is my seventh marathon, so I have a lot to compare it to. It is a fun, challenging (due to the inclines), laid back run, but not the least bit professional. If you are a true competitor and marathon runner looking for an organized race like NYC, Chicago, DC, you will probably be disappointed in this marketing, money-making/raising run.

The expo was HORRIBLE. Okay, I know I am supposed to "Run Like a Girl," but could you trade in the space for margaritas and Nike customized shoes to offer some important marathon essentials, such as gel packs and Body Glide? I traveled from Charleston, SC thinking I didn't need to buy Body Glide or gel before the race because I could find it at the expo. Not the case. There was NOTHING at the expo and NOTHING in our race bags. Come on - the entry fee is too high and Nike is making a TON of money off of apparel sales, especially when they force you to go into the Nike Store to get a t-shirt since they offered nothing at the expo (and you don't get an official t-shirt until you finish... so you will shop first I am sure). And the Nike Store didn't even have Body Glide and three sales people didn't know where I could find it in the city. You're putting on a marathon - Body Glide should be right up there with your Tiffany blue boxes!

And the actual race course was a bit of a joke too. Like others have said, the first few miles are almost impossible to run since there are so many walkers (they should start at a different time) and also when NIKE has placed actual posted signs that say, "PHOTO OP of Golden Gate Bridge/Presidio/etc." and people stop right in front of you to whip out their cameras and take pictures.... Crazy! And during the whole course there were random family members running on the race course with strollers, bikes, roller blades, etc. Get out of the way; let me get into my zone and run!

Again, this is a "fun" run and there were many women of all shapes and sizes enjoying and enduring it, which was great to see. It is the perfect run for someone just starting out, or someone who is not looking for the competitive side of a marathon race. I myself took my time and "Ran Like a Girl." But shouldn't we expect just a little more from ourselves and a race with a $100-plus entry fee?

P.S. Since this is a Women's Run, shouldn't the charities benefit women's organizations? Girls on the Run, My Sister's House, etc. - and not just TNT.

P.P.S. I still can't find my race time anywhere online. Get it together, Nike!

J. D. from United States (10/20/2009)
"Beautiful Race - Horrible Organization" (about: 2009)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

San Francisco is a beautiful city, no matter where the course takes you. Yes, it is hilly and it is hard, but the views are stunning and well worth the effort. The runners and volunteers were all positive, upbeat and happy. That is the good news.

The not so good news: Nike treats this event like a marketing feed-fest and not a running experience - and thus true runners, like me, are frustrated.

1. Starting line. ENOUGH of the VIPS, Run Club, TNT, walkers up front!!! Hello - what is the point of putting the slowest, least competitive walkers in front of 15,000 runners trying to hit a goal time? This is not a rock concert - preferred seating defeats the purpose of lining up in expected finish time order.

2.) Expo. Should be called, "chip and number pick-up." No other vendors/running expertise available means a one-sided, narrow marketing ploy.

3.) Finish-line shuttle buses: 20,000-plus runners and three times that number of spectators means you need more buses at the finish line. Expecting a runner to stand in line for over an hour for a $15 bus ride back to the start is shameless.

4.) Website. This has been an issue for years. NIKE - wake up and address the concerns posted in previous years.

5.) Mile markers. Miles 2-5 were off by .35 of a mile, causing havoc for those trying to keep a steady pace.

6.) Walkers. Can someone please educate walkers to walk single file, to the right or left, for their safety and the safety of others? I had repeatedly to dodge packs of walkers numbering two to six, strung out across the road, throughout the day. Sorry to point this out, but they were almost always TNT folks in purple singlets.

7.) Baggage Buses. REALLY - did it not occur to anyone to line the buses up in numerical order??? YES, I saw the chart in front of the buses and soon realized they were in random order, but it that really necessary? Seems you could line the buses up in numerical order and save the need for a chart. Also, my bus did not have an "M" window, even though my baggage sticker indicated that was the window I should seek out to get my bag.

8.) Volunteers. While the volunteers (mostly teenagers in some areas) were kind and respectful, they were completely clueless. They were clearly not runners, had not been properly trained, did not know basic running info - such as what a pace team is or how to activate your timing chip. I watched as a group was "put to work" at their expo shift and immediately felt sorry for them. Clearly NIKE viewed them as human cargo/bodies to fill a role but did not take the time to empower them with the data/facts/information they needed to be successful. They were simply thrown a gray t-shirt and stationed at a spot.

If Nike can re-focus this event to support runners and not their bottom line, it could be a great experience.

I. G. from Illinois (10/20/2009)
"Good from gun to end; before/after, not so much" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

Nice idea (Tiffany necklace, Ghirardelli Station) and beautiful, interesting course. But if a race is seeking to attract that many walkers and charity runners who train to run/walk - preach etiquette or do a separate, later start. The first half was narrow, and walkers sometimes stretched six across at the 9:30 pace. Charity runners abruptly stopped en masse in the middle of the street. Expo volunteers ranged from polite but clueless to rude, though course volunteers were great. Nowhere to purchase marathon staples like Glide or gels. I get not offering competing products if you are sponsoring the race, but Nike doesn't make everything. Come prepared, especially if traveling! The website was awful, as were buses. Results were nearly impossible to find. Spectators seemed like family/friends only; there's not much interest from the rest of the city for an event this size.

E. T. from Alover (10/20/2009)
"Great race. Worst website ever." (about: 2009)

2 previous marathons | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

Great race, but like so many others, I'm trying to find results....

S. R. from New York, NY (10/20/2009)
"beautifully branded and executed event -'cept web!" (about: 2009)

First Marathon

This was my first experience running in a marathon event, and I ran the half. I think the course is awesome, but would have loved the opportunity to run over the Golden Gate Bridge or past the gardens in Golden Gate Park. The event is so perfectly branded to empower women and I loved all of the inspirational messages from Nike and the sponsors along the course. Fuel and drinks were plentiful, and the stations properly manned with the right number of people and supplies. Didn't have any problems with transportation but I was a TNT participant, so it's pretty much set and flawless for us. Loved themed stations at the expo and the finisher's area (manicure, massages, stretching tent, etc.). Website is NOT user friendly or intuitive - still looking for the race results. If you know how to find them, please email me! Other than the website, this is a very well thought-out and coordinated event. Congrats to Nike and TNT; I'm looking forward to next year!

M. M. from Cupertinio, Ca (10/20/2009)
"Nike Women's Marathon" (about: 2009)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathons

I love this race. It's an amazing event like none other. The people and the cause are wonderful too.

The website is the worst ever! You would think that they would spend some of the millions of dollars they make on a website that made sense. It's impossible to find the information you're looking for without having to toggle forward or back a hundred times.

The course is very hilly, but you do get some great views of the bay/ocean/SF. The great highway surface sucks, so make sure you wear good shoes and watch where you're going. The necklace is always a treat, along with the firemen handing them out. Overall, I would totally recommend this marathon and half-marathon to anyone. There are spectators everywhere and you never feel bored. I hope to get in next year.

S. H. from Washington, D.C. (10/20/2009)
"An amazing race!" (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

The organization was great, but the website not so much (nor the bus organization). But for me it was about the running. The hills kicked my butt. I got leg cramps in the second half of the race, but I still shaved off 15 minutes off of the time from my first marathon in Cape Cod last year. The aid stations were great. The expo was too, though I wish there would have been more information, like where the sticker number was supposed to go. I just wore the bib and the timing tag and it was fine. The finisher's shirt is beautiful and so is the necklace. All in all, it was an amazing experience and I would do it again. :)

P. K. from California (10/20/2009)
"Great race; CRAPPY website" (about: 2009)

3 previous marathons

I just wanted to reiterate the other comments. This was a great race, but the website sucks. I did the half and cannot find the official results ANYWHERE!!!

H. C. from United States (10/20/2009)
"Worthwhile but frustrating" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

I ran the full marathon on October 18th. It was my sixth marathon, so I have an idea or two on how a marathon should be organized. This one fell short. The website is ridiculously difficult to navigate. It is now two days after the race and the results have yet to be posted. The expo was a disappointment. There wasn't a single booth at which to buy items we may have forgotten at home. Even the Luna Bar booth had no idea where I could buy the Luna smoothie for after the race. Most of the food items had milk or yogurt, so weren't edible for those of us who are lactose intolerant.

On race day, there was such a crowd of people that we were absolutely unable to move on Powell. I barely slid into my corral on time. Note to organizers: Place the port-a-johns and bag checks on Geary and have every runners line up on Post, instead of wrapping around Union Square. I found the start maddening. Not to mention all of the first-time marathoners with very poor race etiquette. Note to future runners: Don't run in packs! Runners are struggling to get around you. The course was well-marked and enjoyable. The hills were very tough, but the view was gorgeous. The finish was everything it should be and I love the necklace. The buses to return to Union Square were fairly easy to find. Although the volunteers could provide very little assistance and may need a briefing next year.

Despite everything, I am glad I ran this marathon. It is a one-time treat for lady runners. Just bring an extra dose of patience with you, ladies!

K. K. from USA (10/20/2009)
"Beautiful" (about: 2009)

2 previous marathons

Beautiful course, but I have to agree with another person's comment: "Why can't walkers be more considerate?" It was frustrating trying to dodge walkers for the first few miles. I am not a fast runner, but my nine-minute miles were slowed tremendously because of that. Otherwise, wonderful people, great cheering, and good organization. The system was down at the Nike tent, so I couldn't check my time, and still can't do it. There was a long line for the massage, so I didn't try. Great volunteers. Thanks, Nike!

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