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Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.1 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.7 
Number of comments: 347 [displaying comments 91 to 101]
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J. L. from Roseville, CA (10/21/2009)
"Run Like a Girl" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathons

This was my fifth consecutive time running this race. The first three years I ran the full, and the past two (including this year) I ran the half. As with most races that offer both a full and half, the half is usually the better of the two. This is the case here as well. The necklace is always a plus, and that's why I keep coming back. I like the idea of a women's race. There should be some rules for the walkers to follow, like only staying two abreast and walking to the right or something. It's very frustrating trying to maneuver around these walkers. Also, a NEGATIVE 10 on the website. What a joke. It's impossible to find out anything. I've gone on three times and still cannot even find the results. But I'll be back again next year. Running in SF is great.

D. N. from San Diego (10/21/2009)
"Nike Women's Marathon" (about: 2009)

2 previous marathons

I agree with all of the runners who have made a comment - what a beautiful route, and the weather was just perfect (great running weather). The only thing is, as an individual runner not part of Team In Training, you were the outcast. There were tons of cheers for TNT but none for the individual runners. That's unfortunate - no encouragement outside of yourself to keep you going.It's definitely a fun run. Yes, there was a long line for transportation to get back to AT&T Park, but overall, I would highly recommend this run!

E. M. from San Diego, CA (10/21/2009)
"Great for Participants, a Trial for Guests" (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

I had a wonderful time participating in the event (finding my name on the wall, shopping Nike Town, etc.) and running this race. The aid stations were planned well and the course was awesome. However, my sister had trouble with the transportation I paid for for her, so she wasn't able to watch me finish. She said the buses were so full that she took a taxi to get to me. Otherwise, I had a wonderful time. I did it through Team In Training, and that made a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE. I wouldn't do this event any other way!

Go Team!

C. D. from CARY, NC (10/21/2009)
"Loved the scenic route - website sucks" (about: 2009)

3 previous marathons | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

I loved the run - even the hills were not as bad as I has imagined. I have to agree with another comment - why were all of those walkers in the 9 - 9:59 pace line? That drove my crazy. Also, the website is terrible. I loved, loved, loved the presentation of the necklaces. Overall, a great experience. This was my first marathon with that many people!

A. W. from Milwaukee, WI (10/21/2009)
"Great weather, challenging course, average race" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

Keep it up: great job with the bag drop process. Plenty of porta-potties, loved the oranges, shuttles were oh so comfy and warm after the race, excellent stretching tent/trainers/rollers, etc. Loved the necklace.

Opportunities for improvement: Why am I still looking for results for a chip-timed race two days later????? The website is really below average - do some bench-marking and fix it up. For your location near Silicon Valley, it should be easy to find people to help with this. Split the 10-12 minute group into two, since most are slower. Try to encourage walkers to stay to the side of road - I've never dodged so many inexperienced people in my life for so long in a race (still managed a PR though). More nutrition after 16 or 17 miles (including another orange/banana stop). Save the chocolate for the finish - I couldn't eat it after 21 miles of running. Use gels - the moons were WAY too sticky. Spread out the water stations - too congested. More post-race food for the runners - we need our nutrition, and have paid enough for the race to cover the cost. Get the ocean highway paved - I wish I had trail shoes on that segment. Make your mile markers more visible - I missed two of them, and there wasn't one at 26. (Some of us are data geeks.) Get the radio stations involved for additional music - I can't fault volunteers, but more fast pace running songs would have helped. Speakers were way too loud on the highway at about 16 miles in - I had to cover my ears.

S. L. from California (10/21/2009)
"Beautiful course, poor organization" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

This was my 11th marathon and I was really looking forward to it. I should have known from the website that the event would be disorganized. The website was difficult to navigate and was not clear about basic race information. When I arrived in San Francisco, there was more disappointment. The expo was a huge waste of time. There was nothing to buy (you could not get GU or gloves or anything). You had to go to Nike Town, which was a mob scene and did not have the basic running necessities.

The course is beautiful and the aid stations were well stocked, but the first half of the race was so crowded that I could not establish a comfortable pace. Runners were squeezed into one lane of the road, causing bumping and tripping and kicking. It was so frustrating! Runners were forced to purchase bus tickets back to Union Square, but the lines were so long that we had to walk and find a cab. The line was so long for the post-race photo that I decided to skip it.

Once I was home there was no information about how to find race results or event pictures. Maybe I would do this as a half marathon, but I will never run the full again. I must say that it is highly civilized because men were not peeing in bushes!

S. H. from Boston, MA (10/20/2009)
"Annoyed with Nike" (about: 2009)

3 previous marathons | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

I think everything was great, minus the fact that the result tent said the server was down so we'd have to wait for our result. It's TUESDAY - the race was Sunday... and I can't find my results ANYWHERE!

And they should have had walkers to one side and runners on another. My start time was slow because I was busy dodging people.

V. M. from Boston, MA (10/20/2009)
"High hopes, but lots to be disappointed about" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

The Nike Women's marathon was my 12th marathon, so I had a few to compare it to. Given that it was a Nike-sponsored event, I expected an A+ event but was consistently disappointed. Here is my summary:

* Beautiful course.
* Nice "Go Girl" theme - very empowering for first-timers.

* Horrible - I mean horrible - website. I do not understand after all the reviews last year that they did not change this.
* The start: I started in the 7:30-9 minute pace corral, and in front of us was a Nike team with walkers and walk/runners. It was very dangerous and it was impossible to get a good pace until Mile 4.5. They need to better organize those running slower to the back corrals.
* Charging you for everything: After over $100 entry fee, they charge you $10 for a bus back and $3 for your family to track you while you run!! It just seemed like they were trying to make money every chance possible.
* Brutal hills. I mean brutal. This isn't just a "hilly" run, so please be warned.
* TNT-focused supporters. I think it is great for all those Team in Training runners, and I am so impressed by their efforts!! But, the crowd was disappointing in the fact that they ONLY cheered for TNT. You would be climbing up a huge hill and they would ignore the other runners. I just wish they were more open to cheering for all.
* The bus at the end: After running a marathon, I had to wait over an hour to get on a bus (that I paid extra for) to get home. They need to reorganize this.

I think this marathon has potential, but I believe it is way overrated. This ranks below all 11 marathons I've run before because they need to fix some major elements before it can properly compete on the same level as other quality marathons. I really hope they take this feedback and make changes next year.

R. K. from Arizona (10/20/2009)
"course is great, but the website sucks" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathons

The Nike course is great and the fans are awesome. The finish line was again a bottleneck. I could not even get across the finish line because there were so many people standing there who didn't belong there.
I still can't find any results on the website - really bad, crappy navigation on that website.

C. 1. from Portland, Oregon (10/20/2009)
"Where are the half-marathon results?" (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon

"People love chopping wood. In this activity one immediately sees results." ~Albert Einstein.

Not so regarding the 2009 Nike Women's Half Marathon. A great event all the way around - I loved every second of it. Now if only I had official results, I'd rate this event five stars all around.

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