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Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon Runner Comments

Back to Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon Information & Reviews

Course Rating Course 4.1 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.5 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.7 
Number of comments: 347 [displaying comments 71 to 81]
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L. F. from MN (11/9/2009)
"I expected so much more... or did I?" (about: 2009)

2 previous marathons | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

Expo: It's Nike; what do you expect? Lack of vendors, insanely long lines, and don't think about getting any little Nike freebie's or discounts for NikeTown.

First Half: scenic enough, challenging, and mostly enjoyable. The start is a disaster though. I was literally trapped between hordes of unmoving spectators with many fellow runners when trying to make it to our starting "groups" before the start.

Second Half: the stretch by the beach is tragic. The dozen or so spectators didn't help the mundane scenery, and the course loops, so you're running at a gradual incline right by the faster runners in their final stretch for a few miles. It's demoralizing more than it is motivating.

Overall: The necklace IS a sweet idea. The marathon IS geared towards women. If you're making a mini-vacation out of it with girlfriends, it could be fun, as a whole experience. The actual RACE though? I felt water/Gatorade/LUNA Bar stations were frequent enough, and the Ghirardelli mile was a treat. The fewest spectators on a whole course than I have ever seen before. It was sad, really. I will probably never run a Team In Training marathon again. It is probably a very helpful and supportive organization, but they offer support and encouragement ONLY to Team in Training participants, which was annoying. There are much more fun and stimulating races to be had.

D. M. from Palm Beach, Florida (11/9/2009)
"Not a fun race for full marathoners..." (about: 2009)

3 previous marathons | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

Okay... first and foremost, this race is completely catered to half marathoners. The first half of the race was awesome; the course was gorgeous (hilly, but it's San Fran... duh!), and there was enough water, food, and fan support, and then, WHAMMY... come mile 16 everyone disappears!

That lake is the pits. The traffic is too close, there aren't enough water stations, and those stupid moons and a piece of chocolate at miles 21-23 are no substitute for a banana (which you received at mile 10). Starting full and halfers at the same time makes for an entirely chaotic race atmosphere and having walkers starting in front of you is, well... frustrating.

For spectators, I bought my parents those $15 shuttle tickets... and they said it was a joke and ended up going back to the hotel and getting the rental car.

Maybe I'm just really bummed because I was expecting the super fun, well-managed, women-celebrating race that Nike had promised to deliver, and at the end of it all, I really just felt like Nike's main objective was getting inside my wallet. Extremely disappointing. I can promise I will not be back next year or ever again.

Oh... and yeah... the website is a joke.

J. B. from Raleigh, NC (11/6/2009)
"Half marathon course is a winner" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathons

This is the fourth time I have done this event - three with Team-in-Training - and this year I got in via the lottery. For those asking about walkers on the full marathon course, TNT participants who are slow runners and the walkers get to start out 90 minutes earlier, and that is why you came upon them in the full marathon. I agree that Nike has to get a handle on the corrals.

I also agree about trash/waste bins. This was the first year I had to negotiate the orange peels; and who would put bananas out on a course? Peels and mashed bananas on the road are a recipe for disaster. I do hope no one was injured.

I didn't read through all the comments, but I remember some from earlier years commenting on the lack of support along the way. The volunteers at the aid stations need to remember that there are more non-TNT participants and they should be cheering them on instead of just saying, "Go Team." Having been on both sides of it now, it is discouraging to hear nothing but "Go Team." Volunteers should be instructed to say things like "way to go," "looking good," etc. TNT has enough of their staff along the way to encourage their own.

I hope I am lucky enough to get chosen next year in the lottery, as I love the city and the course. For those not impressed with the expo, remember it is an "expotique" geared towards pampering the participants.

J. J. from Carlsbad, CA (10/30/2009)
"Great course; Nike website & race info poor" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

This was my first Nike SF Women's Half Marathon. The course was beautiful, though a few of the uphills were very challenging. I had to walk up those, but I had fun running down the other side! The aid stations were well stocked (water, Gatorade, GU, Ghiradelli chocolate, oranges, bananas) and the volunteers were wonderful. There was lots of fun entertainment - thank you so much.

I loved receiving my finisher's necklace - given to me by a cool-looking fireman dressed in a tux, in a box tied with a ribbon. I wear it with pride and everyone comments on it - it's so much nicer than a chunky medallion that hides away at the back of a drawer. And the finisher's tech t-shirt is one to be seen in. The marathon runners got their recognition of their efforts on the t-shirt, not on the necklace.

Plenty of food available after the race, at least when I finished. That kept us going until we got back to Union Square and headed off for a hot bowl of soup at the nearest restaurant.

Stretchers tent at the finish was a great idea. An instructor was leading a stretching session and there was another area where you could stretch on mats using foam rollers. Safeway gave out a freebie tennis ball and instructional after-race booklet - excellent!


No mileage markers. I had no clue as to where I was on the course until I got to the Ghiradelli aid station at mile 11! Make sure you have a pocket to tuck that chocolate away for later. Nike gave us a very nice laminated card with lots of useful info, same as what was provided on the website. Not terribly useful when you are out there running it!

Website was a nightmare to negotiate, but great if I want to shop Nike!

Don't waste your time looking on Nike website for race results. Be creative in your Google search and you will find the results.

The start was poorly organized. They made an attempt to start runners according to pace time, but it wasn't enforced. I found myself at the start in a non-moving crowd of people neither able to move forward or backward. A lot of them were spectators! I wasn't aiming for a nine-minute mile, but I did have to dodge past groups of slower people. It really wasn't a hassle. And the good vibe of the participants certainly made up for any annoyance I might have felt....

Aid stations lacked enough trash bins - there were cups, banana skins and orange peels for you to trip up on.

Expo was lame, due to lack of variety of vendors, and it was very crowded at 2 p.m. on Saturday afternoon, but it was fun watching the fashion show and the stationary bike smoothie maker was a brilliant idea. Make sure you pedal fast or you'll end up with a chunky smoothie!

Be prepared for a long wait for the shuttle buses - well, with 20,000 people taking part, I wasn't surprised. But the line moved swiftly and the camaraderie was great. The baggage pick up worked like a charm - I would definitely recommend using it to store a change of clothes for after the race to keep warm whilst waiting for the bus. The Nike website did recommend this - very good tip.

v. n. from United States (10/27/2009)
"Course beautiful, website awful, few spectators" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons

Ok, I agree with everyone on the website. It was and is terrible. The course is difficult and beautiful. Having walkers going out at 5:30 is GREAT. Most get out of the way, when the runners catch up at about the 11th mile. Relax, everybody; if you want to make a personal best time, go to Chicago or somewhere else flat. Hills are for enjoying. Most if not all walkers are doing it for a charity, so go easy. I was disappointed in the lack of spectators that were missing till the very end. Half the time no one was on the street. This was my ninth marathon and the poorest attended by spectators. Also, why were there no stories in the papers the next day?

S. C. from California (10/26/2009)
"Blog like a childl?" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathons

I ran the full marathon for the third year in a row and am amazed that Nike continues to go with a marathon website that can only be characterized as if it were designed by a five-year-old!

s. m. from clovis, ca (10/25/2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 3 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathons

This is the third time I ran this race and look forward to it every year; however, the website this year was by far the worst!! Then, I felt much disappointment when I saw so many walkers (slow ones too!) in front of me and I was in the 10-minute pace. It is just dangerous to have walkers in front of runners. I know that most of them probably belonged in the yellow walk group at the end but did not want to be last to start. Nike really, really needs to get a handle on the walkers and pull them off the course if they start sooner than they should. A little disappointed to get a finisher's shirt with advertisement on the back - tacky, Nike!! On the full marathon, the Merced Lake portion just sucks - boring, ugly and dangerous, with cars getting too close to the course. As I ran it I remembered why I did not like doing the Nike full.

C. W. from Washington DC (10/24/2009)
"Necklace great, city fabulous, organization worst" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

I am very glad and grateful that I ran the SF Marathon. The spirit and meaning of the women running and supporting was the greatest. I'm wearing my necklace every day. "Run Like A Girl" is a message we should convey to every woman and girl we know.

But this is without a doubt the WORST organized and managed marathon - or for that matter race, including local 5Ks - I have ever run. It was my 19th marathon and I have run too many halfs, 10-milers, 10Ks, and 5Ks to count. From the start, the website was a horrible and annoying nightmare. But I hoped I would get over the ridiculous Nike marketing slant once I got to the event, but found it even worse. The expo is a joke, folks. For those running in future, just plan to breeze through and pick up your packet. Run to Niketown to buy any shirts, etc., you want for souvenirs (because that is the only place you can buy anything). But don't expect anything other than Big Brother mind control to get you to sign up to Nike promotions.

The start was awful. Many marathons do not impose pace restrictions, but within the first mile, masses of walkers were blocking the road ahead of nine-minute milers. I did take some consolation in my 10-minute first mile as a slow start caution, but it never ended. Did walkers get to start early? How come there were walkers ahead of me (blocking the road) at mile 16 and beyond?

At the finish, I found a set of lovely women for the bus (this IS TRULY the best thing about this marathon - the women) who generously agreed to save my place in line so I could walk back and forth rather than standing in line for the shuttle bus. I would have otherwise cramped up and had to be transported back to Union Square by ambulance (maybe I should have gone that route).

This truly was the worst organized race I have ever participated in, and there is no excuse, given the Nike corporate behemoth. I am glad I did it, but once is enough, and anyone contemplating it should realize what they are getting into.

R. G. from Texas (10/24/2009)
"Fantastic, Well Organized Race" (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon | 1 Nike 26.2 = Nike Women's Marathon

The race was extremely well organized. I was very impressed with the attention to detail and the wonderful runner support. Event organizers tried to get participants to line up according to their pace, but most participants just did what they wanted to do. I spent the first two miles dodging the slower joggers and walkers. By the time we got to Fisherman's Wharf, the field moved smoothly.

Before the race, I was worried about the hills, but they were very manageable, and I really enjoyed the beautiful scenery. The hardest part for me was when I hit Lake Merced at mile 19, and realized I had to run around the entire lake. It looks really big. Aid stations were plentiful. During the last half of the full marathon, there were aid stations at every mile. They gave out water, Gatorade, bananas, orange slices, Luna snacks, and chocolate.

Along the way, there was much to entertain (loved the Top Ten Reasons!) and encourage the runners. The finish line was tremendous. Handsome firemen, pretty blue boxes, a gorgeous necklace, thermal blankets, bananas, bagels, chocolate milk, yogurt/granola, Luna bars, shopping bag, cool shirt, massages, etc. The line for the buses was long, but moved VERY quickly and the people were absolutely fantastic.

I am so glad that I got into this race!

Kudos to Nike and Eternal Timing. My friends at home in Texas knew my race times before I got back to Union Square. The results were posted on the Eternal Timing website by the time I finished my shower!

N. C. from Upstate NY (10/24/2009)
"Good marathon but did not live up to the hype" (about: 2009)

First Marathon

This was my first marathon so I don't have anything to compare it to, but I had high expectations based on previous years' reviews, so I was slightly disappointed.

I have to agree with many others: the website was horrible and nearly impossible to navigate. Thank god for the emails with detailed information or I would have been lost.

I loved the necklace and shirt but was very disappointed to learn that the half-marathon runners got the same thing. It was frustrating to know I could have run half the distance to get the pretty necklace, even though I would not have the bragging rights that I have now.

The course was hilly but not nearly as bad as I expected. If you train on enough hills you will be fine.

I also agree that the walkers were very frustrating. I spent a lot of time trying to get around them, expending a lot of extra energy.

The crowd support was awesome, which is much needed when running 26.2 miles. I would do this race again, and at least now I know what to expect.

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