calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Grandma's Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.4 
Number of comments: 298 [displaying comments 101 to 111]
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T. C. from Wilmington, DE (6/22/2010)
"Worth the trip" (about: 2010)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

I ran my first Grandma's this year. This race easily had the most organized water stops of any race I have done. Each stop is set up exactly the same and has signs so you can easily find the water, PowerAde, sponges or ice. They had plenty of volunteers and it was easy to get what I needed. The race definitely had rolling hills, although nothing drastic. I read some different posts, so I wasn't sure what to expect. It was definitely rolling. Dont worry about the hill at mile 21-22. It isn't even worth mentioning except the fact that other people had commented on it.

I signed up for the race back in January but didn't book my travel arrangements until 2-3 weeks before the race. I had no problem finding a hotel. Most everywhere had space, so my challenge was finding one without a 2-night minimum. It was a little expensive and out near the airport, but they did shuttle me to the mall for the starting line bus and opened breakfast at 4 a.m. on race day. I was on one of the first buses to the starting line and probably got there an hour early. I was worried since there weren't corrals at the start, but I had no problems lining up by my finish time. I also had plenty of time to make 2 bathroom stops and drop off my bag. I had more time than I needed.

The first 19 miles are a little lonely because there aren't many spectators. I was happy finally to get to town to see some people. I only wish I hadn't been so tired so that I could have enjoyed those last 6 miles a little more! Finish line entertainment was great. My family and friends really enjoyed the beer tent and we stayed for a few hours to listen to the band. Food and drinks were really affordable. We left town to go visit friends in northern Minnesota but I'm sure it would have been a great night to stay around to hear more bands and drink more beer. I wish other races did something similar.


Daniel Weaver from Longview, Texas (6/22/2010)
"A Great Marathon Experience" (about: 2010)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

Grandma's lived up to all expectations. I really enjoyed Duluth. There was great run support. If there was GU available, they were out by the time I got there... (I ran a 4:40:33) but no big deal. I would prefer something other than a cotton T-shirt, but it is a very nice-looking shirt. I just appreciated the friendly atmosphere. THANKS, DULUTH!


A. D. from Erie, PA (6/22/2010)
"Great Organization" (about: 2010)

2 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

This was my second marathon, having done my first last month. Well, doing 2 that close together proved to be quite a mistake because I injured my knee and was barely able to limp across the finish line! But the organization was unmatched. I took a bus from the convention center to the start line and it got us there an hour early. The jets that flew over the start line were AWESOME! The fans were great; I was clearly in a ton of pain but they kept cheering me on even though I was limping and tearful. The water stations were well stocked, and thanks to the medic at mile 21 who wrapped my knee. Also, thanks to the guy and the chicken who were passing out Jolly Ranchers. That was the best piece of candy I have ever had in that moment! Ps. I agree - it's not as flat as advertised. A lot of very gradual uphill. Seeing the lake through much of the course was pretty.


Casey Crookston from St. Cloud, MN (6/21/2010)
"It's popular for a reason!" (about: 2010)

1 previous marathon | 1 Grandma's Marathon

This was my second marathon and first Grandma's. I'm a native of the Twin Cities and I've grown up hearing about Grandma's my entire life, so I was excited to actually participate in it. What a treat! The course was not as flat as I anticipated, but the hills were all small and gently rolling... nothing serious at all. The organization was outstanding, and the literal army of volunteers at every water station made it a delight. I especially enjoyed the loud speakers blaring music at every station, and when I got to mile 13 and heard, "Half-way there... oh yea! Living on a prayer!" I almost cried. The energy at the starting line was fantastic, and the F16 fly-over from the Duluth 148th Fighter Wing just at the end of the national anthem was awe-inspiring. The last few miles through downtown on the brick road would have been more fun if I hadn't been so tired by that time, but it was a nice break from the miles and miles of trees during the first part.

If I could offer some suggestions: At the finish line, maybe put the packet pick up a little closer? Also, I don't drink, so the drink ticket was useless to me, but oh man, would I have loved some free apples or bananas or granola bars. Also, I'm a big fan of finishing t-shirts that I can wear while training for the next race, and not just a plain cotton t-shirt. Glad to hear that they are planning to upgrade, and to offer water bottles and carry bags as well.

Thanks for an awesome race!


Jay Menna from Austin (4/28/2010)
"Well Done!" (about: 2009)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

NIce, easy course.

Cold winds blowing off of the lake made the 80-degree heat bearable.

Really friendly people.

Well organized from the air force flyover at the beginning to the to the end-of-race pen at the end.

(Only hassle was the lack of hotel rooms... reserve early!)


j. g. from Minneapolis, MN (9/30/2009)
"The whole city of Duluth embraces race weekend..." (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 6+ Grandma's Marathons

I have run this marathon for 19 years in a row (also ran Twin Cities, Boston, Chicago, New York) and have had the pleasure of watching this race grow and grow. You will not get better support in any other marathon. The volunteers come out in droves and support your every need. The first 18 miles are along Lake Superior; they're a little quiet, but very beautiful. Then when you come into downtown Duluth it really gets jumping, and the Canal Park finish line is over the top! I recommend this event to all who will listen....


A. E. from Melbourne Beach, FL (7/23/2009)
"Very well organized" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

This race is very well done. Despite the unseasonably warm weather, the aid stations were more than adequate. I never felt I had to break stride or pace to get enough fluid, as the aid stations were on both sides of the road and sufficiently long to get two to three cups of fluid in me at each one. They also provided ice and sponges at the aid stations. The bag check was flawless. Post-race refreshments were super. The one unpleasant note that the organizers had control of was the transportation to the start. Evidently, this was the first year they've provided a train ride to the start. While the ride was comfortable, the train got us to the start only about 15 minutes before the scheduled start. I assume that quirk will be ironed out next year. Everything else that was under the organizers' control was well done.


S. J. from Illinois (7/13/2009)
"fun again" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Grandma's Marathons

The '09 edition was my 5th Grandma's,, and it was well done as usual. It has retained its motto in fine form. The entertainment was very good. Post-race food was plentiful. Sweat bag teams were very organized. The expo gets crowded at times, but if you pick early times, it's just fine. Yes, it was another in a line of warm races in what seems like a pattern for larger events, but it is all part of being challenged.


N. B. from Stillwater, MN (7/1/2009)
"Overall, Spectacular" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 Grandma's Marathons

OK, it was hot, but that's not something that can be controlled. The past few years have been hot, but historically, a 7:30 start along the North Shore at the end of June will be just right for a marathon. As usual, the course is great with just enough slight up and down to keep things interesting. My biggest complaints are with the transportation to the start and the finisher shirts. I got on a bus at 5:30 intending to get to the start earlier than I had in a previous year. Despite filling three buses to capacity and beyond, the buses didn't move for another half-hour. If I had known that, I would have slept in for another half-hour. Now, in the past, I haven't minded the cotton finisher t-shirt. I like to wear them around town and I've enjoyed wearing the shirts from my past two Grandma's, but this year's shirt is ugly and cheap. I don't know where they got those shirts, but they need to go back to what they had before. Besides those two things, the race was great. If you are expecting a drop-dead gorgeous course, you will be disappointed, but the views you get of the lake are nice. Spectators are few early, due to difficulty getting to the course, but are sufficient once you get into town. As usual, a very well run race with only a few areas that need improvement.


R. B. from Chicago (7/1/2009)
"Thanks, Duluth!" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Grandma's Marathons

This was my second Grandma's, and very definitely my last. I picked this race twice because I expected cooler weather along Lake Superior, but both were some of the hottest races I've run (including Chicago). I do not blame the race directors; they can't control the weather.

I like the point-to-point course, but it can get boring at times. Not too many views of the lake, and no shade. What has been said about the hotels is true. They really take advantage of you during this weekend.

We took the train to the starting area, thinking it would be quaint. It was not. It was slow, crowded, and had inadequate or nonfunctional bathrooms for a marathon (when EVERYONE needs one).

The expo was good, and while the finisher shirt was not, the medal was nice. The volunteers were GREAT. I can't say enough about them, or the people of Duluth. They did a very good job of supporting this race. I'd recommend this race, and am glad I did it, but I'm moving on.


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