calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

Grandma's Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.4 
Number of comments: 298 [displaying comments 121 to 131]
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M. K. from Wisconsin (6/22/2009)
"A model for adverse conditions" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Grandma's Marathons

It was nasty, ghastly hot, and humid this year, but the race organization handled it well. The black flag came out about mid-race. Finishers were greeted with a bank thermometer saying "91 deg." I heard that some of the pace group leaders even dropped.

The organization was superb in meeting the challenge of the conditions. There was adequate water and Ultima (I hate that stuff, but under these conditions it was great) and ice. There were also more medical stops than I've ever seen in a race - helping you with whatever you needed (Vaseline, oranges, bandages), and then sending you on your way (or not).

The water stops were still operating, and stocked even at the end. They kept the finish open past 6 hours, and still gave out the medals and T-shirts. Kudos to the organizers on that - the runners at the end deserved the recognition.

Lots of volunteers, and lots of hoses set up on the course. Thanks, everyone.


B. C. from Wisconsin (6/21/2009)
"What an experience!" (about: 2009)

2 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

This was my first experience with Grandma's. I am a fan of northern Minnesota, so it was a treat to run 26 miles along Lake Superior's North shore - but the heat this year made it an experience to remember. I was happy that I made it to the finish! Kudos to the organizers - and a HUGE thanks to all of the volunteers with cups (and hoses!) of water along the way!


C. P. from Minneapolis, MN (6/21/2009)
"Beautiful People, Beautiful Marathon, AVOID TRAIN!" (about: 2009)

3 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

Online sign-up is a breeze. No problem there. Registration for 2010 starts in July 2009. Super!

I booked my accommodations early and got what I wanted. Packet pick up was smooth, and I had no problem finding a parking spot a reasonable walking distance from the expo.

Things were very smooth until race morning, when I went to catch the 5:20 a.m. train for the 26-mile ride ride to the 7:30 a.m. start. My goal was a stress-free ride, and some time to relax at the start area before the big race. This is where things went awry.

Although my train car immediately filled to capacity upon boarding. The train did not move for another 55 minutes. Then when it did move, we crawled along the tracks at an excruciatingly slow pace. It took us another hour just to reach the start.

I disembarked at 7:05 a.m., waited in the line for another 15 minutes and got into place in the chute at 7:25 a.m. Seriously? I thought trains had to keep to there schedules. So much for planning ahead!

Race was great, though! Rolling hills to start, then mostly downhill and flat after mile 19. Water stops were pretty well stocked, but I was handed a few cups that were barely a quarter full. Spectators were awesome! Very indicative of Duluth's citizens.

The after-party was was a blast! There were thousands of people in Canal Park on race night and it was definitely the place to be.

Overall, the race was great (I PR'd and got a free ice bath in Lake Superior) but the transportation bugs need to be ironed out. AVOID THE TRAIN!!!


T. B. from Minnetonka, MN (1/19/2009)
"Always Fun" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 3 Grandma's Marathons

Grandma's is so fun because of Duluth and the people. They really go all out and make you feel so welcome and like an athlete (even if you finish in the 4 hour range). It's really two marathons - the first half being more quiet and scenic, with wonderful views of Lake Superior and the forests, and the second half being a party through town, with bands and frat boys making you laugh when you really need it. This spring will be my 4th Grandma's, and I am looking forward to it. If I had to ask one of the organizers for one change, it would be to start the race earlier in the morning, since all 3 of my races have been a little warm for my taste. I understand that the date is preset and that, with all of the city services, it cannot be moved. But starting an hour earlier would really be nice to keep the slower people out of the midday heat. Overall, though, a wonderful race that's highly recommended!


S. W. from Fargo (1/18/2009)
"Phenomenal experience" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

The first comment I read here deserves a rebuttal - this is a phenomenal race and a world-class event. The spectators are spread out during the first 18 miles, but you won't confuse it for a training run. There are plenty of spectators and entertainment throughout the whole course, and some big crowds along the way. The organization of this race is terrific; just give yourself plenty of time to drop off your sweat bag because it gets crowded. The course offers some great views of Lake Superior, and it would be great to see it the whole way. Regardless, a terrific race for anyone looking for a world-class marathon experience, from food to crowds to scenery - and a finish that will make every finisher feel like a rock star.


S. F. from Indianapolis, IN (10/24/2008)
"Great City" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

One of the best marathon cities I have been to. I would consider moving out there if it weren't for the winters. This is not a PR course though. Rolling hills the entire race. The sports drink they offered was tough to get down. Great expo, great spaghetti dinner, great people. I would certainly go back if I weren't trying to set a PR.


Tim Gullickson from Wisconsin (7/29/2008)
"Overrated, boring course; find another race" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Grandma's Marathons

Duluth is beautiful, but this course is mainly run along a tree-lined road with infrequent views of Lake Superior. There are very few spectators for the first 18 miles and the road is canted. To make matters worse, you cannot listen to music on this boring course. If you want to run in Minnesota, do Twin Cities.


S. S. from Cheeseland! (7/13/2008)
"Great race!!" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

I had heard so much about Grandma's, and what a great race it is, and I have to say, it did not disappoint! The course is nice and easy with a few rolling hills, beautiful scenery along Lake Superior, and great fans and spectators. The water stops were all well stocked, and they provided ice for the runners, which was AWESOME!! The finish line was like a party... tons of food and fun. It was great! I do have two complaints, though. First, the water stops were only every other mile, and it got to be a little difficult toward the end of the run, with the heat. Second, the sports drink they use, Ultima, is DISGUSTING. It tastes like crushed vitamins, and gave me terrible stomach cramps. If they switched to Gatorade and had a few more water stops, it would be a PERFECT race!


J. K. from Minnetonka, MN (7/12/2008)
"Five stars all around!" (about: 2008)

2 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

This was my second marathon, but the first one I finished. :)

I drove up from the Twin Cities on Friday afternoon, the day before the race. Traffic was crazy getting into the packet pick-up and expo area. I highly recommend parking on the other side of the interstate in town, and walking through the skyway to the facility. We arrived around 5 p.m., so it was very busy with people arriving after work and hitting the pasta feed.

Volunteers at packet pick-up were very friendly and enthusiastic. The expo had dozens of exhibitors and it was a bit crowded, but what do you expect? It's a major race/event.

You start about 25 miles north of town. There are PLENTY of restrooms at the starting area. I arrived about 45 minutes before the start and had no wait. Nobody was lining up outside the corner restrooms (they are in "L" formations facing inward) so I just walked right up to one. Unfortunately there was no hand sanitizer in the restroom, but there was plenty at an event tent nearby. At the same tent there were other items that you might have forgotten or needed last-minute.

There was music playing in the starting area, and then there was the national anthem, complete with a flyby by jets. Pretty cool.

We were near the rear of the pack at the start, and crossed the starting line over 6 minutes after the gun. The course is great, with the lake off to your left. Most runners ran along the left (east) side of the road to get shade off the trees. It was another cooker this year. Crowd support was sparse for the first few miles (as expected) but really picked up as you get into town.

At mile 6, I saw a wedding proposal - and acceptance! - with two runners. Amazing considering they had 20 miles to go! I gave Al Franken a high-five at mile 9.
Water stops were plentiful and friendly at every mile, starting around 19. They hand out water, Ultima, sponges, and ice at most stops. I trained with water only as I've heard bad things about the taste of Ultima. Gels and electrolyte supplements got me through just fine, with water.

My back and shoulders started to hurt late in the race. I stopped at a medical station and they gave me some ibuprofen, which helped. The support throughout was terrific.

The last mile seemed to go on forever, with many twists and turns, making you think you're at the finish a few times before you are.

Runners' finish area was nice, with a good variety of food and drink. The ice cream was the best ever! It's easy to hook up with your friends afterward at the meeting area, arranged alphabetically by the first letter of your last name just outside the runners' area.

I've read many other reviews of this race, and the primary criticisms are the room rates and the taste of Ultima. If you were a hotel owner and you could sell out your hotel at $250 a night for the weekend with no effort, why wouldn't you? Runners should factor this expense into their planning when signing up for Grandma's.

As far as the Ultima, see if you can choke it down during your training. If you can't, figure out a different approach. Water and supplements can get you through.

Overall, I'd highly recommend Grandma's. It gets a bit pricey with lodging, but any event involving travel has this impact.


C. K. from Phoenix, Arizona (7/9/2008)
"Great Race!!!" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

This race is definitely worth the trip (even with the price-gouging hotels). The community really knows how to put on a great marathon. I loved the spectator support!! Even Al Franken!! Kudos to the race organizers - from the expo, to the bus tour of the race course, to the shuttle buses to and from the race. Overall this was a fantastic race!!

Warning to future first-time Grandma's marathoners - as previous posters indicated, this is not a nice, flat course. It is a rolling course, so train accordingly. Also, the humidity was a factor.


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