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Grandma's Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.4 
Number of comments: 298 [displaying comments 131 to 141]
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J. K. from Westminster, CO (6/29/2008)
"Awesome Event!" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

Everything we had heard about Grandma's turned out to be true! The entire event - from the expo through the race and the party afterward - was terrific. Great community support and very organized. A fair course, and all the memorabilia at the expo was top-notch. I was surprised at how many spectators cheered us on. Loved all the aid stations and the yellow balloons marking the mile splits. It is expensive to stay at the area hotels - but we did enjoy our time in Duluth and plan to come back! Thanks to all the organizers and volunteers - we appreciated all your efforts.


T. K. from Pacific Northwest (6/26/2008)
"Over the River and Through the Woods to GRANDMA'S" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

I would definitely give this race 4 stars, reserving 1 star because of the anti-MP3 stance they take. I could go on about how ridiculous I find it that someone tells me that I can't listen to my own music on a race that, on a good day, is going to take ME at least 4:45, but suffice to say I would not have registered if Kim hadn't wanted to run it. I'm so glad she did because Grandma's definitely ranks as one of my favorite marathons in the 12 I've run. It wasn't overwhelmingly big like NYC (and I loved NYC), nor was it lonely like Seattle. It's like Baby Bear's porridge... just right. The course support is amazing, and the community totally gets behind the runners. There were signs welcoming runners all over Duluth and Proctor. The newspapers had articles two days leading up to the race (big articles, too... not like the 25-word blurb I saw on the Seafair Marathon that I'll be running Sunday. Thanks, Seattle. You really know how to make runners feel valued.) The paper also had a HUGE section on the marathon with EVERY single finisher listed in it the day after the race. The hotels went out of their way to make us feel welcomed, which isn't always the case. We were even offered the opportunity to reserve a room for the following year. The transportation was outstanding to the beginning of the course (bus left right from our hotel). The festivities were well planned and organized. The restaurants the day before all catered to runners (I think I counted at LEAST four carbo-load "feeds" in the restaurants we walked past) both before and after.

You know what the BEST part of a marathon is, though? The people you meet on the route. More than once we'd pass people on the side of the road (over 200 didn't finish) and someone near us (or us) would ask if they were okay. At one point this happened, and I said to Kim, "This is why I love marathons. People are always so GOOD to each other on marathons!" The lady who I was referring to agreed and we had a nice chat then, and again at mile 26 when she said to her husband (who was running her in), "If I mention doing Grandma's again next year, you have my permission to slap me... I can't take this heat!" I replied, "Oh you know you'll be talking about it within two months."

"Yeah, you're probably right... but this heat!"

I invited her to join us in Seattle where not only would she NOT run in heat, but she might get rain, wind, or even SNOW and LOTS of hills with zero cheering spectators!

Some of my favorite moments on the race:

1. The F-16s flying over. I love the sound of loud planes and I always find things like that very moving.
2. The kindness of the people in the medical tent, not just the volunteers but other runners who were consoling each other for having to drop out.
3. The homemade wrought iron dinosaurs in front of a house, one of which spewed flames. This family was busily setting up a water stop for the runners, so I got a chance to tell the guy who COOL I thought his dinos were!
4. The many MANY times people yelled my name on the route, especially the drunken frat boys chanting my name over and over again. I'm telling you, you gotta put your name on your shirt! It makes SUCH a difference when you're staring down the wall to hear someone say, "You can do it, Tory!"
5. The line of trolls on the ground "for luck."
6. The yard filled with flamingo statues. What was THAT all about?
7. The many people with sprinklers, hoses, and even water guns!
8. Al Franken giving me a HUGE hug and a kiss on the route! I love Al Franken!
9. The wind coming off the water providing us with much needed heat relief!
10. Running with my sister. That was the best. We're going to have to do that more often! (Plus she "gets me" and doesn't think I'm insane at all with all this marathon stuff.)


C. A. from Pennsylvania (6/26/2008)
"I Just Don't Get It" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

I am working my way to the 50 state marathon club and I picked Grandma's for all of the good input. I have to admit that I was not impressed.

- The water stops were well stocked with water and helpful volunteers.
- The course was pretty easy with just gently rolling hills.
- The busing to get you to the start was very well organized.

- The hotels hold you hostage by the price. I was lucky and was able to get a deal at an old Super 8 for "only" 130 per night with a 2-night minimum.
- The expo was small and very cramped.
- What was up with the shirt? It was very nice, but why a cotton instead of a tech shirt? Why did you have to finish to get one? The shirt is for participating; the MEDAL is for finishing.
-With such a hot day, having water every other mile was not enough.
- Being point-to-point, there was really not much in the way for entertainment - with the exception of a string quartet that was fantastic!

I am not trying to bash Grandma's, as on the whole it was an okay marathon, but for me it just didn't live up to the hype. There are just a lot of other marathons out there that give you a lot more for the money.


M. L. from Grayslake, IL (6/26/2008)
"Well-run, as always" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 3 Grandma's Marathons

-How well this is organized cannot be over-stated.
-I really appreciated the ice at each water station.
-Course is flat.
-I think they should opt for an earlier start or earlier date. This is my third year running - temps were high each year.
-Prices for hotels and even dorm rooms are ridiculous.
-Will run again next year.


K. W. from Albuquerque, NM (6/25/2008)
"Grandma's makes my top 5 best marathons list." (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

This is a great marathon. Extremely well-organized and terrifically executed. Really nice course and support. This makes my all-time top 5 list along with Boston, Big Sur, Twin Cities and Philadelphia. A truly memorable experience. Never having been to Duluth, I was pleasantly surprised at the town's charm and friendliness. I stayed right by the aerial bridge in a rented beach house, so finish line and race activities are super convenient. Loved Canal Park. The 7:30 start is perfect. Yes, weather was warm, but you adjust accordingly. It beats rain and cold any day in my book! I spent a couple of additional days up along the North Shore for peaceful "r & r." This is a true vacation marathon destination. Include Grandma's on your must-do list. Great job, Duluth; I'll be back for this one!


Rob Klein from Aurora, Colorado (6/25/2008)
"A Pleasant Run Along the Lake Superior North Shore" (about: 2008)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

This marathon took control of Duluth and Superior for the day. The expo was fine; the pasta dinner was great. Getting into and out of the Duluth Convention Center was terrible. They were bringing more cars into the waterfront area than there were places to park. Then one of the shorter races was held Friday evening, encircling the Convention Center, and it choked up traffic trying to get out. Duluth has elevated freeways, one way streets, bridges, Interstate 35 ends there, and it is difficult to get around anyway. On the plus side, they picked up runners at their respective hotels for bus rides to the starting line (a great idea!) and gave rides back after the race - even to Superior, Wisconsin. In Minnesota they say, "If you get to Wisconsin, you went too far." Well, we had to go to Wisconsin. There simply were no rooms available in Duluth.

The race was an outstanding event. Runners were dropped off near the starting line at Two Harbors. There were plenty of port-a-potties at the start (and frequently throughout the course too). The Duluth Railroad chugged up to Two Harbors, and cheered the runners, tooting its horn.

On the course, there were plenty of aid stations for refreshments. The sports drink they used did not taste good (to me). There was lots of water and ice. This is a great concept: Give the runners a cup of ice. I heard many positive comments about this. You could eat the ice, cool off your head or arms with it, or let it melt in your hands. It was a great idea. They were handing out wet sponges to the runners too.

Running along the lake was scenic, and Lake Superior is awesome! The fans were outstanding too (and since the North Shore Road was closed to traffic, it took some effort for spectators to access the runners - but they still did it). Closer to Duluth, many folks were in their yards cheering on the runners. Even Al Franken (or his double) was there cheering runners and shaking hands. At one point some guys set up an inflatable rectangular pool in his yard for runners to lie back and dip themselves in the water. Of course, participants set off wild cheering among the crowd. Later aid stations were passing out ripe, plump strawberries (another marathon first for me) and the berries were outstanding.

At about mile 23, the course went down the brick road main street - with lots more fans and spectators. It was spectacular! Then we headed back down to the waterfront area, and the finish line.

Across the finish line, we received a nice medal (with the lift bridge on it) and finisher's T-shirt, and an abundance of refreshments. Jenneio turkey sandwiches made with a roll, water, chips, raisins, oranges, apples, bananas, and ice cream. I heard there was beer too, but did not search it out. Warm-up clothes were transported from the starting line, and were available for pickup near the finish area.

The weather was great - sunny and near 70 degrees. There were areas of cumulus clouds and localized rain showers, but they were short in duration. Law enforcement did an outstanding job of controlling traffic and protecting the runners. This was a great overall community effort. Thanks to the town of Duluth for a great marathon event!


A. W. from Madison, WI (6/24/2008)
"This is an awesome race!" (about: 2008)

3 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

I can't say enough good things about Grandma's Marathon. I truly enjoyed myself and PR'd also! What a change from Chicago - this was just an all-around terrific experience and I will definitely be back! Thank you!


M. B. from Clearwater, Kansas (6/24/2008)
"A great race with great support" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Grandma's Marathons

If this course has "rolling hills," then you must train in a pancake-flat area. The race is superbly organized and supported. You run on an old highway next to Lake Superior for 19 miles, then into Duluth for the race. It can warm up to the low 80's, so plan accordingly. This is a fantastic summer marathon that I would recommend to anyone!


L. A. from Portland, Oregon (6/23/2008)
"Highly Recommended" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons

Spectacular course, organization and support. Highly recommended! The course elevation provided is deceiving - it's not relatively flat. A definite and unrelenting incline through most of the race until mile 22. The increasingly warm temps made for a tough race. Overall, great race, and a great experience.


Debbie Johnson from Chicago, IL (6/23/2008)
"Kudos to the race organizers" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

This was my 6th marathon and by far the most organized. It was hot, and I melted after 16 miles; if it weren't for water, sports drinks and ice cups (yeah for ice!) every 2 miles, I would have had to drop out. Maybe they could start an hour earlier. I didn't expect rolling hills, but it was the heat that got the best of me... I slowed down the running pace after 15 and then ended up shuffling and walking for the last 6 miles. I'd do it again, praying for cooler weather. Good job!


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