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Grandma's Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.5 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.7 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.4 
Number of comments: 298 [displaying comments 111 to 121]
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D. G. from St Paul, MN (6/27/2009)
"overrated" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Grandma's Marathons

I'm amazed by the number of people who think that this is such a beautiful course. Have you never seen trees before? There are only a few times in the first 18 miles that you can even see the lake. Otherwise it is just a crappy highway through some trees, with scattered houses and very few spectators. There was construction at the DECC this year, but they didn't bother to re-route the buses in anticipation of people parking at other locations. We didn't get off our bus from the mall until 7:15, and there were still 2 or 3 buses full of people waiting there after our bus left. I literally got into the chute 30 seconds before the gun. Enough has been said about the Ultima, so I wont go into that. Otherwise, water stops are fine and the finish line snacks are great. I love Duluth, but I am done with this course after 2 years of lousy conditions. I'll be looking for a different spring race next year.


A. B. from UK but living in Saint Paul MN (6/27/2009)
"Cool race, cool people, hot weather!" (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon | 1 Grandma's Marathon

I'm not a fan of running in warm and humid conditions but thoroughly enjoyed this race. After sweating profusely after just one mile, I disregarded the time and concentrated on finishing. Fortunately the water stations were great and very well organized. Water, ice water, Ultima and sponges were provided allowing for a cold shower and re-hydration every couple of miles. The volunteers running the stations were superb - thank you! Unofficial refreshment was also plentiful, with many garden hoses and orange segments towards the end.

The course was beautiful and a pleasure to run. I really enjoyed the first section out in the countryside. The locals provided lots of encouragement and morale-boosting high-fives. I also enjoyed the second "urban" half, declining beers and use of an improvised water slide (although the offers were much appreciated).

Thank you, Duluth!


C. S. from Midwest U.S. (6/26/2009)
"Legendary Marathon - First-Class Organization" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

Course: Scenic. Organization: Smooth - after 33 years you can tell they got it down pat. Spectators: The whole town gets behind this marathon.

Originally, I intended to do this marathon just once, just to say that I did Grandma's, but the experience was so good that I intend on running it again next year.

Only one quibble: I just wish they had a sports drinks that had some calories.


J. W. from Chicago, IL (6/26/2009)
"Fun race, but hot and humid" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

Grandma's Marathon course in Duluth, MN is definitely a PR course. It is a point-to-point course with just a few minor, rolling hills at the beginning; then it's mostly downhill. What I did not like were the twists and turns at the end before the finish line. I would classify this as a fast, flat course.

You can't do anything about the weather, but it was hot and humid. One downtown bank clock read 92 degrees, but I did not think it got that warm.

I thought that the organization with the buses was great. But I was a member of the first group waiting for the bus from our pickup location at 5:20 a.m., and I still only had only 30 minutes to relax before the start. I don't know what happened to the runners who came to the bus pickup later.

The choice of Ultima was awful... yuck! I kept drinking it because it was hot, but by mile 20, it was like taking teaspoons of cod liver oil. Nice medal, but they gave a really crappy t-shirt for a major marathon.

If you need fanfare while running, this is not the race. There were very few spectators for the first half of the race. However, the City of Duluth is all about the marathon, and the people of Duluth are very friendly. The hotels really take advantage of the event, with really high rates for this weekend. I booked my hotel with reward points almost a year ago. When I checked out, I did not notice that the hotel had charged my card anyway for the weekend, as well as taking my points! I've still have not gotten that resolved.

The entertainment after the marathon was great, but the organizers have to do a better job with the after race food. I had to search for the yogurt and a plain bagel.

All in all, this is a good marathon and I would do it again and just pray for better weather.


J. M. from St. Paul, MN (6/24/2009)
"Hot, yet fun run" (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon | 1 Grandma's Marathon

The race was awesome and well organized; the volunteers were great; and the water stops were great. There's really nothing bad to say about the race. But racing in 90-100+ degrees is tough.

The only negative thing is the games the hotels play with you when you're trying to make a reservation, and then how much they really overcharge you. That treatment left a bad taste in my mouth that I will not forget.


m. r. from USA (6/24/2009)
"A very beautiful race course" (about: 2009)

2 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

I trained super hard for this marathon, looking for a personal best. I chose Duluth because, after Chicago and the heat, I thought I could bank on a cooler race; however, I was incredibly wrong. I felt that the heat was worse than Chicago, and the humidity was unbelievable. The black flag was flying. There were many people on the route after you hit town, but the level of encouragement was very disappointing. Mostly people seemed to be standing, holding signs for individuals - rather than cheering in general. The water and ice were superb and held right to the end. I cannot thank these people enough for being there. Whoever decided Ultima would be a wise choice was so wrong. This stuff is awful. A runner needs some calories, electrolytes and fluid replacement. There were bananas, oranges, and strawberries at one station as you came to London Road. It would be difficult to hook up with your own fluids along the course unless your sherpa was on a bike. The expo was lackluster. The hotel and food costs were very high, but very convenient. I don't know that I would do it again. I love the north shore and will visit frequently, but I probably would not do the race again.


J. M. from Springfield, Illinois (6/23/2009)
"BEAUTIFUL COURSE - HOT, HOT, HOT, HOT!!!" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

Great scenery! This course is beautiful - with the occasional lake breeze, which was appreciated greatly! The fans and volunteers were great, and organization was great. The only negatives: (1) hotels screw you for this event and (2) I LOST MY CHIP! ARGH!

Weather aside (flashbacks of Chicago 2007!), and ignoring the high dropout rate (I have heard 1,400?), this was a good run for me, and I did PR (which for me isn't too hard to do - fat guys do have this advantage)... even though I am not recorded.

After finishing, I left my breakfast on the pavement, and a poor spectator's shoes (sorry!), and zoned out as I walked right by the medals and t-shirts! The nice thing is that they are mailing me one! BOO-YAH!


C. L. from Cleveland (6/23/2009)
"BEST MARATHON SO FAR!!" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

If Boston is the measuring stick, then Grandma's is right on its shoulder! This was my 14th marathon and am not easily impressed. I hobbled away in awe of what they do at Grandma's. As mentioned. it was a brutally hot day and apparently it came close to being canceled. The poster who suggested that they move the start up earlier is wrong. Don't we have to get up early enough as it is? Besides, the day before was borderline cold and the day after was also much cooler. It was just the luck of the draw that we hit that heat.

1. The party afterward is one of the best around.
2. The crowd support was awesome; even in the remote parts there was cheering crowds. The only one that beats it is Boston!
3. Nice medal.
4. Water stations were very long, with ice, water, sponges and sports drink - and then water AGAIN!
5. Great, enthusiastic volunteers.
6. The course: it is not flat; it IS ROLLING!
7. The two planes doing a flyover at the start were cool!

1. The hotels GOUGING you! I believe that the reason they did not sell out was the insane cost of the hotels and the insistence that you stay 2-3 nights! Our hotel (Sheraton) even CHARGED us $2 for a banana for breakfast in the morning!
2. The sports drink (Ultima, I think) was nasty and weak!

Overall, if you are willing to put up with the hotels, this is a MUST-do race. Great job!


D. G. from Cranston,RI (6/23/2009)
"Fan Support Gets 5+ Stars" (about: 2009)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

The course: I liked the scenic course along Lake Superior, and how it ran through the main part of town to the finish. Except for the hill at mile 22, there are no "hills" to speak of. There are, however, some deceivingly long stretches of inclines. I was waiting for the long stretches of decline to follow, but it would usually level off or roll a bit only to be followed by another deceivingly long, gradual incline. Mile markers were all clearly marked with balloons.

The organization: I thought everything was very well run and very well organized. The expo was good and parking seemed plentiful on race day. Plenty of refreshments at the finish with fresh fruits, chips, bagels, turkey sandwiches, and more. Bag drop and pick up were very easy. My one major complaint - and I'm sure the organizers will hear this from a lot of people - was the train to the start. When I arrived at the pick-up point, there were volunteers directing the half marathoners to the buses and the marathoners to the train. The train ended up leaving at approximately 5:55 and didn't arrive at the starting line until about 7:05. By the time I was able to get off the train, I had 15 minutes to drop my gear bag, warm up, go to the bathroom, and get to the starting line... not the most stress-free start! The water stops along the course were very well organized and very well stocked. There were long stretches on both sides of the road offering water, Ultima, ice/sponges, and then more water.

Spectators: The spectators make this race! There were no long stretches that I can remember where there was not at least a small group of fans cheering people on. Unlike some races I've done where spectators are just standing there waiting for their one person to come along to cheer for, the fans at Grandma's cheer for everybody. Young and old, and everyone in between, come out to support the runners. Young kids were working the water stops or standing along the sides with their hands out to touch the runners. People yelled encouragement, had hoses out, and offered fruit or candy or even beer! I have done a lot of different races and I have not seen the fan support that I saw in Duluth.


A. W. from Chicagoland (6/22/2009)
"hot and humid, but had a blast" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Grandma's Marathon

I took a road trip from Chicago with 4 friends. Packet pick-up was almost as crowded as at the Chicago Marathon, but it could have been our timing, arriving late on Friday afternoon. They only give a finisher's t-shirt, so an injured friend got nothing. This was my 22nd marathon and a lot of other less expensive races give shirts at the pick-up, plus a finisher's shirt. Cotton shirt too, but nice print.

Got one of the few hotels with a one-night minimum (booked it last November): Best Western in Superior. Nice, big rooms, but $50 extra for a late checkout (on top of $150 per night). Gouge!

I don't care for pasta feeds, so we had dinner at The Shack. The great waitress, Trudy, was super accommodating, even when she first incorrectly assumed that all 5 of us wanted only a baked potato!

Why the half starts before the full is a mystery to me. And 7:30 is way too late of a start for a June Marathon, even in MN.

Trying to figure out where to park for the shuttle pickup and where we could walk for a free shower and still get back to the shuttle pickup was a pain. We saw the train; lots of runners jumped over the orange fencing trying desperately to access pace corrals.

I knew that the course would not be that scenic, so I was okay with that. Volunteers were great, if you need them. There was plenty of water, ice and sponges. Way too many people were throwing up, being pulled off the course in ambulances, and getting treated in medical tents. I decided a slow walk/run for this race made more sense, as I am a 5-hour, 50-stater anyway. I overheard lots of comments from slower runner/walkers that they had not trained enough. This is an endurance contest; too bad so many runners take that too lightly and don't prepare properly. I ran a friend in during the hot '07 Chicago Marathon, and noticed a lot of runners in MN were having similar trouble.

The finish area was well staffed with friendly volunteers. We did sit on a hot school bus for almost 45 minutes, before we were bussed back to UWS, where our car was parked.

I would not run Grandma's again. The logistics are just too unwieldy and the start is way too late. Getting up at 4 a.m. for many early start marathons in other states is fine, but getting up at 4 a.m. to start at 7;30 is stupid. Start the full first.


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