calendar icon Oct 5, 2024

Paris Int'l Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.9 
Number of comments: 191 [displaying comments 11 to 21]
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W. W. from Los Angeles (5/22/2017)
"I had a good time touring Paris by foot" (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Paris Int'l Marathon

I traveled from Los Angeles to Paris only to run the marathon. I had a good time touring the beautiful city by running. The race started by running through Champs des Elysees. The brick road surface is not idea for running, but I enjoyed running in the center of that famous street.

I thank the organizer and the city of Paris for the safe event, considering the incidents around France recently, and especially an incident on the Champs des Elysees a week after Marathon. The entire event was well organized in general. Although it was expensive 7 euro for a small cup of beer at the end, I was still glad it was there to allow me drinking beer in the middle of the street in front of Arc de Triumph.

Except in the parks and in the tunnel, there were plenty of spectators to cheer the runners. I like the bottle water, which allows me to carry the water for a long distance. The banana and other food are very helpful, which compensated the lack of sports drink issue. The garbage collection barrels were well arranged for fun and for keeping the city clean.

The requirement of providing a health certification at the expo is an unreasonable special to this race. I have never had this requirement before. I told them that I can provide them a proof of running 7 full marathons last year. The staff still insisted me to get a doctor's certification.


D. Z. from Budapest, Hungary (4/24/2017)
"A big, 5 star race" (about: 2016)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Paris Int'l Marathon

I ran the Paris marathon with the sole purpose of wanting to do a 'big' race. I know that London, New York and Tokyo are the marathons with the world's largest number of participants and Paris is not far behind, with the added benefit of not having to go through a lottery to participate. It was everything as I expected, so I was not disappointed/surprised.

The crowd was huge, I think 40 thousand people participated. Despite this, I felt that I could run at my own pace, because the streets of Paris are wide and everyone could fit in. Lots of people cheering, the sights were great, we ran next to many historic buildings. I found it odd that they didn't have signs saying 'on your right is the Louvre', 'on your left you can see the Notre Dame'... they only did that for the Eiffel Tower. I would've preferred more of those signs, since I saw a bunch of beautiful buildings and was wondering what they were.

One negative thing, and this isn't necessarily limited to this marathon only. Usually during every marathon, as I get near the finish line, some people get sick and you hear the ambulance car pass by... I think this is normal. In Paris, since there were SO MANY people running, there was a car passing by every minute. Hearing the sirens so often became depressing and at the 38th km I started to feel worried for my own health so I slowed down and walked for a few minutes. I don't think there was anything wrong with me, I just felt some atmosphere of fear. Like I said, maybe this is normal on all large marathons.

After the race, I sat down under a tree in a nearby park and rested for an hour.


C. B. from New York (4/19/2017)
"Don't expect help if something goes wrong" (about: 2017)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Paris Int'l Marathon

Okay course, good crowd support, but no sports drink except at one spot. I've run over 80 marathons and have never seen that before.

My biggest problem was the organization's complete disregard and apathetic approach to my unfortunate experience of having my bib stolen after the expo was closed on Saturday. I know - technically my fault for not securing it better and technically they don't have to do anything - but given the circumstances and the fact that I paid over $1,000 in travel expenses to run their race, you'd think someone would be willing to do SOMETHING if I show ID and proof of registration. Wrong! I was treated like some random guy who was trying to bandit the race and coming up with a story to be allowed in.

I started by contacting the race organizers that night to see what I should do. No response. Understandable considering it was late. On race morning I go to the start area two hours early thinking I could explain my situation, showing my ID and proof of registration on my phone. I speak to no fewer than five different people, each of whom tells me there's nothing they can do, and upon my insistence on speaking with someone 'in charge,' each one sends me to someone else. Finally at the race headquarters I am told to just run without a bib, but I'm not allowed in the start corrals so I start on the sidewalk next to the start line. I had to then run carrying the bag I had planned to check, because without a race number and with nobody helping me, I couldn't check the bag, and with all the time spent being sent to different people I had no time to return to my hotel. I ran the race, not really enjoying it because at any moment an official can pull me from the course for not having a bib. I got through it, and right before the finish I am stopped by a race official asking where my bib is, so I had to stop and take out my phone and ID to show him, and he reluctantly lets me cross the finish and get my medal.

I had run the entire course, with digital proof from my Garmin watch and with video coverage everywhere. I figured that after the race day craziness was over the organizers would be able to take the time to evaluate the situation and at least list me as an official finisher. My time was mediocre, didn't even care if it was listed correctly, just asked them to have me as an official finisher so I can get credit for Marathon Globetrotters. I emailed them with this request, including the Garmin Connect data and a description of what I was wearing so they could find me on the video at the specific time I told them. So much for that idea. After a three-paragraph long explanation of my situation, I get literally a ONE SENTENCE email back saying that 'since you didn't have a bib and didn't cross the start line, you aren't a finisher.'

Of course, technically, they did not HAVE to do anything, but this kind of treatment is not what I'm used to in the running community. This has not happened to me before so I can't say for sure how other races would handle it, but it certainly made me never want to run Paris again.


Badih Moukarzel from Dubai (4/17/2017)
"Happy to have my 1st marathon in Paris" (about: 2017)

2 previous marathons

It was such a wonderful experience to run my 1st marathon in Paris, my beloved city and the city of my students year which I spent the most happiest parts of my life. I was also happy to run this marathon with my partner (wife) who was my biggest supporter together with my daughter! Back to the marathon itself I can't say much but it was really enjoyable still the heat was a bit high. Besides the amazing entertainment and funny fanfares and other worldwide music bands, I have to notice two observations : first of all, there was not enough sporting drinks all over the various nutrition stations. I also noticed that the floor nearby the nutrition stations was sticky and would suggest to be washed by water frequently. The crossing of the finishing line was great and it was a great sensation which is worth the comeback for the next years.


J. O. from Sacramento, CA (4/12/2017)
"Didn't live up to my expectations" (about: 2017)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Paris Int'l Marathon

I read an earlier commenter's disappointment in the view and thought she was wrong since Paris is my favorite city to visit but now I know what she meant. With the exception of the start at the Champs des Elysees, you take the less scenic back roads or are down along the Seine so you don't get to see the beautiful sights of Paris. It was actually disappointing to run in the most beautiful city in the world and not see anything.

This year, it got up to 75 degrees and the runners had to step to the side to let the ambulances by for all the people collapsing from heat and dehydration (I counted 6). The first casualty was a man at 3km getting chest compressions after getting a heart attack in the already warm heat.

But my biggest complaint was a sports drink being offered only once on the whole course. Water bottles were about every 5-7km but no electrolytes so I ended up suffering from leg cramps from mile 18 onward. This made it a really miserable route in the end slowing my time by 30 min compared to what I normally do.

I won't do this again. The crowds are much bigger in Tokyo and the other majors (I know Paris is not a major).


J. M. from Florida (4/28/2016)
"Not the Marathon Course I thought it would be" (about: 2016)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Paris Int'l Marathon

The course is advertised as the most beautiful in the world and I guess I had different expectations. You only run in the city for a small bit upfront and you dont even pass (or at least you cant tell you pass them) the historic places. The only thing you did see was the Eiffel tower and that too was off in the distance.

There was a quite a bit of running through two parks which was horrible. And thats all I remember are those boring parks! Coming out of winter, everything was dead. Trees were bare, the grass area was dead and brown. Not pretty at all. I couldn't wait to get back in the city. Then theres another park towards the end, boring! I was hoping it would be more like a Chicago or NYC marathon where you are in the city the entire time.

The crowds were great though and they were so excited at one point they were encroaching on the runners, where we could only get 3 across on a normal size road. There weren't barricades the whole course where the people stood behind in crowded areas. It was odd to me as you dont see that in the USA. But I took it as they were really excited.

People mentioned lack of port-o-potties. In the corrals there were quite a bit of port-o-potties and especially when the corrals left ahead of you, there were even more. I saw no issues there and never waited in the corrals to use one. But on the course, there were almost none and even in the parks there are no trees (they are all without foliage) to use for privacy. In the city, there are no alleys to hide in. It was a quite a challenge especially when I had tummy issues. I actually ran into a café and used their toillette.

Water stops are different then US marathons but that was ok. They are every 5k. I planned for it and wore my fuel belt and it worked out fine. Being that it was warm I actually was glad I had my belt with extra fluids. It was a warm day for the marathon this year and they had fire hoses throughout the course which was wonderful. If you aren't used to other sports drinks or gels, bring your own. I was out of my sports drink and tried what they had and spit it out it was very odd.

My favorite part was the long tunnel (I forgot the name). I had read many reviews saying one year it was dark, last year they had a DJ and it was like a disco. So I expected the disco/DJ  I was in for a surprise! About every 30ft there were giant huge HD monitors that peaceful/relaxing pictures (beach, ocean, stuff like that) and they were playing the most relaxing music ever. The tunnel fans were on and it was such a nice break to be in the cool shade with the music and relaxing pics. I loved that it was different and it couldn't have come at a better time. It was such a nice touch!

Oh one more really cool part  there were bands everywhere on this course. I was very impressed and the last mile or so was so cool. They had drum bands every hundred feet or so. So as you are running in all you hear are the loud beating of drums. Very cool.
Overall, it was an ok marathon. Paris the city was absolutely amazing but this was not my favorite marathon. But it was extremely organized, the spectators were really involved (almost too involved!).


P. M. from Texas, USA (4/15/2016)
"Well organized and beautiful but CROWDED" (about: 2016)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Paris Int'l Marathon

First, let me say that the 2016 Paris Marathon was not my best marathon. My goal pre-race was to BQ (3h 37m) and thats what the pace band on my wrist spelled out. Although I was within one minute of my target time at the 1/2 marathon mark, by mile 15 Id come to grips that a BQ was not in the cards and my new goal was to finish in less than 4 hours and not embarrass myself. By mile 21, my new, new goal was to finish before I collapsed into a quivering blob of protoplasm on the side of the road. My point is that this race report might be slightly biased.


A. C. from Hong Kong (5/20/2015)
"Most beautiful city in the world to run a marathon" (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons | 2 Paris Int'l Marathons

The course was outstanding as were the spectators. Paris has come a long way since I first ran it in year 2000. One thing that has not changed and the main reason i gave it a 3 star rating: NO TOILETS, or too few. That is really a MAJOR PROBLEM, which could easily be fixed. The few toilets i did find along the course were LOCKED! Also, giving bottles of water at all drinking stations is not environmentally friendly. Gatorade or other electrolyte drinks would also be appreciated. There were none.


J. R. from Tampa, Florida, USA (5/19/2015)
"Nice race for the size" (about: 2015)

11-50 previous marathons

I may not be the best to judge this race. I ran with a fever and an upper respiratory infection. My biggest complaint was the bathroom situation. Coming from the states, I am spoiled by more (and cleaner) port-a-potties. I was 10K in before I found some, and they were locked!! By the time I found an open one, it was beyond awful. I was so sick, luckily I brought my own toilet tissue. The spectators were amazing. I think I enjoy the much smaller marathons.


L. B. from USA (4/19/2015)
"very well organized; great atmosphere" (about: 2015)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Paris Int'l Marathon

This is the 5th marathon I've done and the best to date. The reviews online are pretty bad and I was afraid of running in marathon with 40k people, but at the end it was great. The staggering at the start was no problem. Only issue was with lack of toilets, but that is a given. The routes were absolutely lovely with tons of support from locals; the support from the Paris firemen were great. Sure, it is not jam packed with people cheering the whole way, but it was MORE than enough with the spectators and supporters. Water stops were great; every other stop was a bottle of water in a reasonable size to carry along the way. Would not hesitate to do this again!


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