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Paris Int'l Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.9 
Number of comments: 191 [displaying comments 31 to 41]
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John Murray from Glasgow, Scotland (11/19/2013)
"A fast, flat marathon." (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Paris Int'l Marathon

This is a great marathon a lot of ways; epic sights, wide, flat roads, supportive crowds and knowledgable support crew.

The only downside for me was the poor organisation in the starting pens and finishing area. As is the norm runners are arranged in pens according to predicted pace; no issue with that. However there were lanes where runners in slower paced pens were shepherded around and therefore in front of faster runners in the more congested area leading to inevitable bottlenecks and stop/starts. I wasn't personally affected by this but others traveling with me were.

The organisation at the end was quite strange too; after finishing, runners had to walk a long way around fencing where the clearly marked gates with letters indicating where to meet friends and loved ones had been locked....all along the finishing area! Every one! At one point security personnel came to unlock one gate which became crowded with people trying to, correctly, reach loved ones at the designated meeting point. The personnel unlocked the gate for 30secs, re-locked it then walked away to shouts, and boos from the runners! Truly terrible organisation.

Despite these small issue I'd highly recommend this as an event. Starting the race on the Champs Elysse is an incredible experience and one well worth dealing with the poor points for.

A word of advice however; leave for the start in plenty of time. The Metro stations close to the start become incredibly congested as 40,000 runners plus spectators make their way to the start. At the race finish it was fairly hectic trying to get back to the hotel however Paris is like that ordinarily.

Give it a try; you won't regret it.


C. D. from USA (8/29/2013)
"One of the most beautiful marathons in the world!" (about: 2013)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 Paris Int'l Marathons

There is a misperception that the race is poorly organized - nothing can be further from the truth. This is one of the best organized races: website and newsletters and emails supply runners with very detailed information. Navigating the marathon is extremely simple and easy with very efficient organization.

Pre-race info: frequent email updates and information with detailed start and finish area maps.

Bib pickup: there is a metro stop right at the Expo which is by far the best expo I have ever attended.

Starting line: It took about 5- 10 minutes from leaving my hotel to being in my starting corral. No other big city marathon can match this: no lines, no bureaucratic interference: other major races can learn a lot from the French!

Multiple wave start that makes the start along the Champs-Elysee a breeze.

Course: very flat for the most part. Cobbles never really an issue until towards the end when you enter the park (Bois de Boulogne). Unfortunately sports drink only provided once during the race. There is plenty of water and sugar and occasionally raisins, and if you're so inclined you can have some chocolate and Champagne along the route!

Finish area: There is free massage and even foot care as well as plenty of food, sports drinks and even BBQ. This area can be a bit congested. Many runners walk back to their hotels and can be seen on the Metro and walking along the Champs-Elysee.

I would run this marathon every year if I could. It is a very fast marathon, perfectly organized in a great destination city! Nothing like Spring in Paris!


J. L. from Spain (5/8/2013)
"Now the 2nd largest marathon in the world" (about: 2013)

4-5 previous marathons | 2 Paris Int'l Marathons

I ran this in 2012 and I´m pleased to say things have improved, not perfect, but getting there.

Packet pick up was easy enough, even though the women who checked my medical certificate couldn´t speak a word of English (some do, some don´t) and couldn't understand my name even when I showed her my passport (got confused with surname and name) The expo is huge, as big as a World Major marathon.

The start has been improved. Corrals are split in two, left and right. One half leaves, then 30 seconds later the other half leaves. This is perfect if you´re up near the front, say a 3.00-3.30 runner, but not so good if you´re a 5 hour runner as you´re in for a long wait.

The crowd support was more animated this year, but there are still thousands that just stand and watch motionless instead of cheering you on.

Unless you´re a 3 hour runner or faster you will find the course congested in some parts as you run from 3 or 4 lane streets to 2 lane streets. After around the 30K mark it becomes much less dense.

There is still no energy drink or gels handed out. There is one Powerade station randomly placed, last year at the 33K mark, this year 22K. Which is still unbelievable for the world´s second largest marathon. Fingers crossed this changes.

Like most races in continental Europe aid stations are every 5K, they are big stations, but nearly always lined up on one side of the road so they do get congested easily, and can be dangerous as people discard banana skins on the ground.

This year there were members of the public on bicycles on the course which is just not acceptable for an IAAF Gold Label marathon. A major accident could very easily happen as the cyclists have to go much slower than normal to be with the runners they become unstable and nervous.

Unfortunately I was involved in a minor accident at the 40K aid station where the packs thins out and a female cyclist mixed with the runners and became nervous as she approached the aid station, she couldn´t get out of the way as the runners were approaching the tables and panicked, lost her balance and I ran into her, the pair of us crashing into the aid station.

I was furious obviously, thankfully I wasn´t trying to get a certain time, like a BQ but still wanted a PR, I did get a PR, but naturally l lost time because of her.

The finish line was well organised and there are now exits to leave the area quicker if you don´t have to pick up a bag.

Weather this year was perfect, cold but a rare Parisian cloudless day. 3C at the start and a high around 10C.

I would like to do this again next year. The course is fast and flat and has PR potential if you can manage the aid stations without energy drinks and avoid the cyclists.


J. M. from USA (4/14/2013)
"I loved it!" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Paris Int'l Marathon

Went to the expo on Friday - absolutely no line to pick up number. Course was beautiful, flat and fast. There were spectators to varying degree along almost the entire course which was very nice as I broke my arm 3 weeks before the race and had to run with a cast. The crowd was very supportive when I was struggling - always an encouraging 'Allez! Allez!'
Finish area well organized with several exits.
Toilets in the starting corrals is a good idea but there weren't nearly enough - my only complaint.
I would love to do it again.


H. P. from Heidelberg, Germany (4/12/2013)
"energy drink provided once , overall fairly good" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons

I went to the expo on the first day. There were very few people. Almost nothing in the goody bag.
The start wasn't as chaotic as I had expected. Not enough potties at the start.
With 50000 people running together, I expected everywhere very crowded during the whole race. Fortunately, it's a lot better that I had thought. The official starting time was 8:45 but the whole crowd didn't start altogether. They were grouped according to your time. A group could only start running when the previously group had all gone. The good thing is that there aren't really many many people on the way, but then you have to wait more than one hour if you belong to the last group. You can be chilled to death on cold weather waiting so long.
The course is quite good, but not as beautiful as expected. There are constant ups and downs, but for short distance.
What is quite unbelievable is that energy drink is only provided once throughout the race. No gel is provided. Bottled water of 33cl is provided, which I think is a waste. You've got water and food(oranges, bananas, raisins and sugar are provided) stations every 5 km.
Upon finish, you get a T-shirt. The quality is really good. The medal and certificate are also very beautiful. I think the medal is the best part of this race.


B. E. from London,England (4/11/2013)
"Poor organisation" (about: 2013)

2 previous marathons | 1 Paris Int'l Marathon

Not enough toilets at start. Only 2 in the huge sub-3.45 pen! Women having to urinate on the street!
Toilets not marked on map and not signed on route
Spectators allowed on the track (even on the blue line!!). Some crossed the track through a dense stream of runners only 1.5 miles from the start.
Too much shoving and pushing due to poor layout of drink/food stations (2 female friends pushed to ground during race) and narrowness of track when spectators pushed in.
Tops of water bottles dangerously littered track at water stations: trip/slip risk
Fruit peel (including banana!) on track at/near food stations: slowed to avoid slipping
Very long wait in cold before start
Far too many runners on what became at times a very narrow track.
Requirement for a medical certificate (my GP charged £20)
Had to go to finish to drop off bag and then walk to start

Well-organised expo and bib collection
Good value rice party at expo
Many water/food stations along the route


L. L. from Senegal (4/11/2013)
"Excellent large race" (about: 2013)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Paris Int'l Marathon

Only complaint, which was predictable, was with so many runners the pack never really spread out and i was constantly cutting around people. At times the course narrowed and caused mini traffic jams. But beautiful course and great organization. Mostly flat and fast, and always something great to look at. Good crowd support. Only my second 'mega marathon' (30,000+) and i was a little nervous about the crowds and organization but it was all good. Would race again.


C. E. from Brussels, Belgium (4/3/2013)
"Of the big marathons, Paris is worth it!" (about: 2013)

6-10 previous marathons | 4-5 Paris Int'l Marathons

Sure, every marathon has it's pros and cons, but I first ran this course in 2008. Since then, the organizers are trying to make improvements. They do listen to our comments! But I love this course...and the city...and even the French supporters as they cheer you on by name (first name printed on bib!)...I even like the wine stop at KM 38 or 39...typical French! This is a great spring time marathon...I will put it on my running calendar for as long as I am able to run it!! :-)


Y. L. from Frankfurt, Germany (3/2/2013)
"Any runners from Frankfurt, Germany?" (about: 2013)

6-10 previous marathons

Hello! I'm an American living in Frankfurt, Germany. Just wondering if there's anyone from Frankfurt going to the Paris Marathon? It would be great to meet someone from this area who is also going, to give each other support and make new friends. It's better to enjoy the experience with friends, rather than alone.


Ariel Hessing from NJ, USA (2/5/2013)
"Running in the most beautiful city in the world." (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Paris Int'l Marathon

Much of the course is run along the Seine, which is a wonderful thing. This is a scenic course, through the most beautiful city in the world. Organization is first rate. Fans are some of the best whom you could ever hope to run for.


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