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Marathon Details - Paris Int'l Marathon

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Paris Int'l Marathon

Schneider Electric Paris Int'l Marathon

location icon Paris, France

calendar icon April 13, 2025

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Marathon Results

Top 3 Finishers by Year

Race Details

Start on the famous Champs Elysee , passing by the Bastille, The Eiffel Tower and finishing Avenue Foch.

Contact Information

Name: Caroline Grasset
Address: A.S.O. Athlétisme
TSA 61100
Immeuble Panorama B
253, Quai de la Bataille de
92137 Issy-les-Moulineaux cedex
Phone Number:  +33 (0)9 69 36 88 21
Fax Number: + (33) (0)1 41 33 14 29
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (191)

Course Rating Course 4.6 
Oranization Rating Organization 3.6 
Spectator Rating Spectators 3.9 
Number of comments: 191 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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D. P. from Houston, TX (4/3/2023)
"Beautiful course, great crowds, well organized" (about: 2023)

2 previous marathons | 1 Paris Int'l Marathon

This was a well run event with a scenic course and outstanding spectators. Some info for those considering:

EXPO: Well organized, easy to change starting corral from original signup, lots of vendors. Easy to get to by Metro or car.

COURSE: Fairly flat with some deceptive hills in the latter half, particularly in the Bois de Boulogne (where crowds were also sparse). Quite scenic, runs past a number of sights along the Seine and through some gorgeous neighborhoods. Excellent way to experience Paris for those who haven't visited. Main downside: lots of cobblestone, which starts to wear on your feet by the end.

FOOD/DRINK: Water is all in bottles - Vittel - which was much easier to navigate than I expected (volunteers uncapped the bottles, making it easy to drink and then recycle in large bins along the route). No sports drinks and no gels, but ample bananas, sugar cubes, pieces of pastry, etc.

SPECTATORS: The crowd was amazing. In only a couple of parts of the course - Bois de Boulogne and Bois de Vincennes - were crowds sparse. Otherwise they lined the streets and were exceptionally enthusiastic. A number of drumlines and bands. The only drawback is that their enthusiasm sometimes caused them to crowd the course a bit, and police were not great about asking them to step back. Some of the course was pretty narrow as a result.

START/FINISH: The start was split into multiple corrals that were clearly labeled and easy to access (if crowded). Outside the corrals were port-a-potties, and inside the corrals were dozens of urinals (for both men and women). The finish was very congested, and it took a while to make it through the runners to the water/food/t-shirt/medal. The start and finish are close but not *that* close; you will do some walking if you expect to be done right at the Arc de Triomphe. Family cannot enter the finish area, so make sure to have a meeting spot picked out in the neighborhood (cafe or hotel).

OTHER TAKEAWAYS: This was a large race with a very crowded course that didn't really thin out much as the race progressed. You get a medal and finisher's t-shirt upon completion, both of which I liked but were met with mixed reviews.


F. A. from Norway (7/19/2019)
"Great city" (about: 2019)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Paris Int'l Marathon

A bit crowded and chaotic start where people couldn't get in the pens and start groups where delayed. Water bottles not very environmentally friendly. But overall a nice flat course, nice temperature and great spectators. Enjoyed it more than than London or New York so should be a major. Very nice race.


j. k. from London, England (4/17/2019)
"Great course and crowd" (about: 2019)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 Paris Int'l Marathon

I really enjoyed this marathon. A lovely scenic course through paris - largely flat - great supporters. It was a little cold, but bright, sunny, and no wind. On the flipside, it was chaotic at the start - v slow to get into the baggage dropoff, and a fair distance to get through the crowds to the start line (just in time!). There was only water at the fuel points, but it was in little bottles (I'd recommend carrying a screw on sucker top if possible) and they did have some other snacks on the tables. The vounteers were brilliant. I got a PB!


B. O. from Ireland (4/17/2019)
"Brilliant course" (about: 2019)

6-10 previous marathons | 3 Paris Int'l Marathons

The organisation at the start was bit disjointed. I was in the 4h pen with a 9.30h start. I actually got to go at 10.00h. The course is flat and spectacular, passing many major landmarks (including Notre Dame, burnt down next day). Support was good in terms of food/water & people. You can book accomodation very close to the Arc de Triomphe so it is just a short stagger home from the finish line


M. W. from Washington State (2/28/2019)
"Paris - great Tour & Marathon destination!" (about: 2018)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Paris Int'l Marathon

The Paris marathon is a well-organized race in the most beautiful city. It is well-worth the trip, tour and the Marathon for any destination runners or travelers.

This was my second time in Paris. This time I went with the Marathon Tours. It was fabulous. Marathon Tours made most of the arrangement, activities and tour. We stayed at the Hotel Chateau Frontenac, a walking distance to the Avenue des Champs-Élysées, where the start and finish point of the race, and in the vicinity of the many beautiful landmarks. Marathon Tour guides were most knowledgeable and helpful in getting better registration, a reception, a city tour, and pre-race dinner and more. This was a great way to meet other runners, friends from US and talked about running, race and the City. The trip was great, thanks to Marathon Tours.

My experience was vastly improved from last time in Paris. I was able to get by with English in the city, a pleasant surprise. The Parisian people were very friendly. Walking tour with friend CS to the landmarks and race start/finish area was very reassuring and enjoyable.

Weather was spring-like, perfect for touring the City of Light, Champs-Élysées, the Arc de Triomphe, The Place de le Concorde, the Tour Eiffel, the Musée du Louvre and more.

The EXPO was very large with many vendors. True, one need the Health Certificate to get the Race number, like in Rome Marathon, they were very firm about this requirement. I was not surprised Paris required this. The EXPO was very similar to the large races in US and signs were almost all in French. Interestingly, when I asked question in English, the sales lady replied in perfect English. I was able to make the purchase with cleared discount promotions.

Paris race entry without lottery or qualification was very attractive. It came with staggered early birds discount incentives. Registration was open till March of the same year. No wonder, it drew 55,000+ entrants in 2018.

The start was on Champs-Élysées, corralled and in wave start. So, it was not too crowded during the race. But there was not enough Pot-a-potties to accommodate the crowd and many runners seen to cut-in line and some even did it in the corral. The temperature on the race day went over 70F, was hot. Even though there were no sport drink or energy gels, there were plenty aid stations with water, orange and banana sections.

Due to the heat and crowd, water consumption was very high. There were WET long stretches on the race surface covered with orange sections, and banana peels. They got rather slippery for good total distance.

The race surface was mixtures of cobblestone, cement, bricks of different types and sizes and some asphalt. Because of the recent TBIs, I paid special attention to the surface so as not to trip or fall. All distance markers were in both Km and Mile, to me, a new for European marathons. At mile 5 where my late friend DG tripped in 2014 was an interesting landmark of a Fountain surrounded by 5 Lion statues that looked like spitting water made of clear fiberglass tubing - A fantastic tour attraction and runners' distraction.

As the race provided plenty aid stations for the big crowd, therefore, wet surface with orange/banana peels were extensive. That's where I resolved to walking for safety and often.

Crowd support was good all through out on a nice sunny day. There were music bands, drum bands and an unusual noise maker, the fire truck Siren! When first heard, I thought it was ambulance passing through. Eventually, seeing the firetruck on location and the sound, one realized what it was. It definitely was a noise-maker that needed conditioning to appreciate it. Most unusual! Throughout the race, we passed many famous landmarks that were tourist attractions in this most artful, attractive city. This is a great city both for tour and Marathon.

Paris marathon was a well-managed race without the lottery or qualification requirement, in the most beautiful city in the world. I went in the company of fun group of Marathon Tours. Fantastic experience! Paris is a marathon I would strongly recommend to any marathon travelers.


J. M. from Houston, TX, USA (9/25/2018)
"Beautiful course & well-organized, but plan ahead!" (about: 2018)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Paris Int'l Marathon

It is pretty hard to have a less than stellar race in a city like Paris. In my opinion, the course was beautiful. The course passes through many of the city's iconic sites. I have read some comments that the course was boring. Are you kidding? We saw the Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre, the Place de la Bastille, the Seine, the Eiffel Tower, etc...what more do you want? Besides, when I'm running a marathon, I'm usually so tired I don't notice much, anyway. I can't blame the marathon for that.

Regarding the logistics, I stayed near the Arc de Triomphe which made the start and finish super easy. Packet pick-up was a breeze; just keep in mind the health certificate that is needed. They aren't joking - get it signed and stamped by your doctor or you aren't running. My doctor was confused by the need of the stamp, but she found one and it worked fine. The expo was pretty large and had plenty of vendors.

As for fluids and nutrition, as others have stated, there was no sports drink or gel offered. I carry my own gels as I believe that is a personal responsibility. However, I was surprised at the lack of sports drinks. This was my 13th marathon and I've never had to deal with that before. They offer water; however, they come in plastic bottles which was also a first. Every water stop had huge drums with a a backstop for tossing your water bottle in, like a basketball hoop. It was ok, until I saw one goofball forcefully throw an empty bottle in the direction of the drum from 20 feet away. He hit a poor lady in the face with it. Not cool, dude.

Overall, I have no real complaints about this race. Each marathon has its own little quirks and differences. No sense complaining about it. Read up on what to expect so there are no surprises. I would recommend this race to all runners. It's a bucket list race and one I personally believe will become a major one day.


ArchDuke Kenneth Khanh Du from California (7/9/2018)
"Attend to show solidarity that I'm a true Parisian" (about: 2017)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 Paris Int'l Marathon


Ah Paris, the city of love! Need I say more to calm my angst about the numerous terrorist attacks upon a city that have brought so much joy & everlasting memories to the 32.3 million visitors every year. 2017 will be my third trip to Paris, my first for the Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris. My anthem: 'I am attending the Paris Marathon not to prove that I am brave, but to show solidarity that I am a true Parisian.'

I flew into Paris Friday morning, and was able to attend both the Friday & Saturday Expo. Le Salon du Running is one of the largest exposition show that I have been to, comparable to Chicago, perhaps larger. Hundreds of stations from top global companies plus the newly hype ones market their running shoes, gears & gadgets to supplements, etc... with an entire section dedicated to answer all your questions & concerns regarding the numerous marathons available across Europe and abroad, from running around Florence & Venice to climbing up a Swiss Alps trail. I chatted with a friendly representative from the Athens Marathon whom convinced me, without hesitation, to make Athens a destination for my marathon quest.

April 9, 2017, or race day Sunday weather forecast to be sunny, light breeze, with an 8:00AM start temp of 50F, rising to an afternoon high of 75F. Just perfect! Sunday morning uneventful. I'd stayed at Hôtel Atala Champs-Elysées, a 3 minutes walk from my start corral. I noticed not many police officers in uniform. Avenue des Champs-Élysées has a nice gradual descend as you start running and its cobblestones street doesn't take long to get used to. In fact, the entire course feels like you are running downhill with an occasional gentle uphill slope.

The crowds support were fantastic! There were concern that due to recent terrorist attacks, Parisian would be too afraid and likely stay indoor. Not the case, they come in droves shouting, cheering us on, with marching bands, cheerleaders, rock bands, djs, etc..! Thousands upon thousands of spectators from all over the world gathered along the course waving their country flags jumping in excitement! I have no idea what they were all saying, but they made me feel so wanted, and that helps a great deal.

I divided the 26.2 marathon course into eights - 8 miles, 16 miles, 24 miles or 13km, 26km & 39km - and winged it for the last 2.2 miles into the Finish line. Once again jet leg and fatigue hit me like a brick wall after mile 20. There's also a 9hrs difference between Paris and Sacramento, and I couldn't sleep a wink the night before. 2017 received 57,000 registered runners to the sold out event - not including tour package & charity runners - with 42,456 finishers. Needless to say I am pleased with my result 04:20:05, with the French police ever vigilance, and would run Paris again in a heartbeat!

Eric Orton and The Cool Impossible
I met Eric Orton after his talk at Salon Du Running - Friday Expo for the 2017 Paris Marathon. Eric is author of The Cool Impossible: Running Beyond Limits and an EO Mountain Running Academy. Eric now resides in Wyoming, originally from NYC. What I'd learned from Eric is if you run nearly barefoot, you will greatly increase your strength and endurance. (Requiring less shoes cushion during future run. Is he insane?)


Jose Gana from Santiago, Chile (6/24/2018)
"Un unbeatable place for a marathon" (about: 2018)

11-50 previous marathons | 4-5 Paris Int'l Marathons

Such marvelous city, you run through the most beautiful places of the city.
I miss gels and sport drinks, you should not run 42k just with water.
Good for PR


J. N. from Illinois (4/25/2018)
"Great run, could be even better" (about: 2018)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 Paris Int'l Marathon

Ran Paris 2018. It was a warm marathon but it was the warmest day we had in NW Europe during our 12 day stint so there is not much that can be done about that.

The scenery along this route I imagine would be hard to beat anywhere in the world. The expo and the logistics were easy ans straightforward. I didn't even find the course overcrowded despite 50k plus racing. Other than at parts through the 2 large parks the crowd support was very solid. The price and value of the race was great and I love the non-qualifier/lottery aspect. It gives a very democratic element that other large races have long ago lost.

The main gripe I have with this race is the aid stations. They are simply inadequate for such any marathon. No gels and no sports drink seems archaic these days especially on warmer marathon days when the sweat rate is high. Instead there was some raisins/bananas/oranges in the last 1/3 of the race but I frankly find these to be a poor substitute. The race officials have to up their game in this regard if they want to be regarded as a truly Class A race.


jay ho from Los Angeles, CA (4/8/2018)
"very scenic but no sport drink or gels" (about: 2018)

50+ previous marathons | 1 Paris Int'l Marathon

Yes, you must get a health certification from your doctor to get the bib at the expo. Never had that requirement even when I ran Boston, Berlin and Chicago.

They sent out that form through email the week before and be sure have your doctor signed and had it stamped. The French are very strict on following rules and they are not afraid to turn you away.

The course is very scenic, it is one of the most beautiful courses, you get to run by all these famous places and two big green parks. Spectators are very cheerful, not like Boston you can't hear yourself think. But it is very decent support from the crowds...

One thing, they don't give out sport drinks or gels. I should have read the previous reviews but could have brought more gels and electrolyte pills. My husband also ran the race and he lost a lot of salt and couldn't replace with any electrolyte and almost passed out by mile 20.

I didnt bring enough gels and was expecting they would give out but never did. But they do have bananas and oranges. They hand out water not in cups but in bottles. Some stations already uncapped the bottles, the first few tables didn't.

Over all it was very organized, esp the expo was huge.

The course is pretty flat, has few short hills but nothing to write home about. And you also pass through a dark tunnel with some creepy decoration, sounds and some art exhibit inside, very very cool.

It is not as fast a course as Berlin or Chicago, but hands down the most scenic.

The start line was very impressive, you are in champs elysees with the Arc behind you. It gave me goose bumps.


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