calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

New Denver Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.4 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.0 
Number of comments: 108 [displaying comments 101 to 108]
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Chris Justice from Denver, Colorado (10/16/2006)
"A winning hometown marathon" (about: 2006)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

I have been looking forward to this marathon for a long time. We, the Denver community, have not had a quality marathon to showcase our city in a long time. And now we do. Somehow I actually PRed five blocks from my home! This marathon truly is what a Denver marathon should be. It took everyone on a "tour" of what makes this city great. I enjoyed the twists and turns and especially the City Park layout. A couple of thoughts for the future for this race:

1. Different color bibs for half and relay. I hate getting my doors blown off by people that I *think* are running the full marathon when they are actually running the relay or half.

2. Whereas I enjoyed the course, I did not enjoy heading out to Wash Park so late in the race. Those are the toughest miles and the straights on Logan and Lincoln were tough at the end. Maybe head to Wash Park earlier and keep us more downtown towards the end?

And finally, my only *real* complaint:

3. The finish. It was almost like a bad joke to "show" us the finish but make us run down one more block and double back. Somehow you can have us come in from a different direction OR add something to City Park so that we don't have to double back at the end. After 26 miles, I don't want to be teased by the finish and have to double back to get there.

Otherwise, a great marathon. A great day. Way to go.


J. F. from Dallas Texas (10/16/2006)
"It was a beautiful race in a friendly city." (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

The day was beautiful, the city was very pretty, the crowd was small but enthusiastic, and the race was well organized. We started in front of the capitol, ran through the city, past Coors Field and out to a very nice park, then back to the city and out to another park on the other side of town and back. The altitude did not seem to affect us as much as we anticipated. It was a great race that I recommend for all.


A. B. from Denver, Colorado, USA (10/16/2006)
"We had a blast at the Denver Marathon!" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 New Denver Marathon

I was on a relay team and we had such a great time. The course was a great tour of Denver through beautiful parks and landmarks. The streets were lined with enthusiastic spectators who kept us motivated. We'd love to see a few more port-a-potties next year, but overall, the experience was fantastic. My team is planning on making this a tradition!


D. M. from Fort Collins, CO (10/16/2006)
""New and Improved" DAM, parks and hoods" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons

Come to Denver for an great marathon:

After an inspriring flyover by AF jets the race starts with a run by the new DAM's (Denver Art Museum) unbelievable architecture (by same architect as is doing 9/11 memorial), then weaves through several beautiful Denver parks, chic districts and historic neighborhoods.

Plenty of spectators and an overabundance of aid stations make for a fun and well supported run. The inaugural medal was unique and high quality.

Only downside is the usual mini-hassle for "Front Range" locals who have to spend time/gas to make the drive to Denver the day before to get the race packet. Hmmm... why not mail packets out for a charge... or, since the start isn't until 8:00, how about a race day pick-up option?

Hats off to the new-and-improved Denver Marathon's skillful and creative organizers, dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers and spirited racers.


J. O. from Denver, CO (10/16/2006)
"great race - highly recommended" (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 New Denver Marathon

This was a really fun race. It was so fun because it was scenic, relatively flat and hassle free. My only other marathon experience was with the NYC Marathon & while that was an incredible race, there were many logistical problems and hassles. This race had none of those issues. I moved to Denver a few years ago and was still blown away by the beauty of the course. I kept thinking all of the out of towners must have been super impressed with the sights which included the snowcapped Rockies, major city landmarks/parks, interesting neighborhoods plus the perfect fall Colorado weather.


Lynn Belobraydic from Broomfield, CO (10/16/2006)
"Needs some improvements." (about: 2006)

1 previous marathon | 1 New Denver Marathon

This was my first marathon, and I have to say it was exciting and disapointing. The course was definitely good for spectators, they could stay in one spot and see their runner up to three times. I didn't really like the course because with all those loops it didn't feel like you were getting anywhere. Okay, yes I am a slow runner. I was only at mile 21 at 5 hours, but my biggest complaint was that at the 5 hour mark, the cops opened up the streets to traffic and then completely disappeared! So with an hour to go, the last of the marathoners were left to finish on the sidewalks, and because they took a majority of the signs down, could've gotten way off course if they didn't carry a map with them. Plus, with the course being on busy roads, during the race, the cops would let cars through when there was a break in the runners, but some cops would actually make the runners stop to let more cars through. Another complaint was that at the corner where it split for the half or full marathons (17th and Lincoln), it was a very busy intersection and there were absolutely no cops there to direct traffic!! My parents happened to be standing there waiting to see me and had to direct traffic, plus direct some of the international runners on where they were supposed to go (My mom found out the hard way that the word for 'marathon' is 'relay' in other languages). In my opinion, I think the race director should change up the course a little and keep most of it on less busy roads, cut out some of the loops, don't make the runners 'back track' on so many of the same roads, and think about extending the course limit to 8 hours and give some of the walkers in the area a chance to get a medal too.


P. A. from Fairfield, Iowa (10/16/2006)
"Great debut for Denver!" (about: 2006)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

Great start for the NEW Denver Marathon. Race started right at 8am as advertised. F18 fly over was a great touch. Volunteers were very friendly and helpful. Water/Fuel stations were well manned and efficient. Finish area was well thought out and easy to navigate. Course was nice and flat and hit most of the scenic spots in Denver. We even had a nice view of the Rockies at times. A few too many twists and turns on the course, otherwise it was a nice run. The altitude is a factor. Plan on it impacting your peformance by 5%, which is 12-15 minutes at a four hour pace. I had a great race, but the altutude kicked my butt. These folks appear to have a winner, especially if they get the perfect weather they had today. It is clear a real pro put this event together. As a side note, the expo was small but nice. They had some nice DM logo merchandise to purchase. I signed up early and got a free tech shirt to train in as well as a shirt to wear with pride! Last but not least, the medals were beautiful.


W. R. from San Diego, CA (10/15/2006)
"Denver does it Right!" (about: 2006)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

I just ran the "new" Denver Marathon, and enjoyed it quite a bit. I set a PR on the fast course that was peppered with supporters - I'm sure more will catch on and cheer next year. The course had scenic stretches at many parks, though I prefer to go to and from on different streets. My only gripe was having fresh relay runners zip by me during the last few miles, and some people not knowing the difference - marathoners were treated the same. Other than that, I hope to make it next year, and perhaps they'll raise how many runners can participate - I bet Denver could handle at least 10,000.


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