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Marathon Details - New Denver Marathon

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New Denver Marathon

New Denver Marathon & Half Marathon, Marathon Relay

location icon Denver, CO USA

calendar icon October 18, 2009

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Marathon Results

By Year: 2009   2008   2007   2006   Top 3 Finishers

Race Details


Contact Information

Name: Run Denver, LLC
Address: 1400 16th Street, Suite 400
Denver, CO 80202
Phone Number:  1-888-RUN-5280
Email: Email the organizers

Runner Reviews (108)

Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.4 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.0 
Number of comments: 108 [displaying comments 1 to 11]
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H. B. from Holland, MI (3/1/2010)
"Great way to tour Denver!" (about: 2009)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

All in all, I enjoyed this race despite the warmer than average temperatures. The expo was decent for packet pick up. The course was very nice, showing off the city's views of the the scenery and local spots. Fluids were plentiful for me - but I understand that they ran short not long after I ran by. The spectator support came in spurts, but runners were friendly and made good company along the way. The volunteers at water stops did an awesome job and really cheered hard to keep spirits high among runners. It seemed bittersweet to have run the last Denver Marathon before Rock 'n' Roll comes in to take over the race next year.


Many M2G from Vail, CO (10/29/2009)
"Great Small- to Mid-Sized Race" (about: 2009)

2 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

I stick with races that have a reputation for being well organized and this one was up there. There are plenty of hotels within a short walk to the start/finish and all of the amenities that downtown Denver offers.

The start went off on time and the 7-8 minute mile bunch was true to the pace. There were a couple of the aid stations that seemed a bit narrow and I was slowed down even though I stuck to the very middle of the road. Aside from that, I loved the varied course. It's set so your fans can move around on foot and catch you in several places.

At over 5,200 ft in elevation, this may be a factor for some. Elevation has never been a noticeable issue for me and I easily met all of my goals, though there are a couple of little hills that I didn't expect.

What crowd support existed was good and the weather was about perfect, but like just about any October race, race day conditions will vary from year to year. It snowed in Denver a week or two prior to this year's race.

I'll certainly be back.


M. B. from Denver, CO (10/24/2009)
"Denver is a wonderful course" (about: 2009)

11-50 previous marathons | 3 New Denver Marathons

I love the course; it's nothing to complain about. I gave organization only four stars for shirts and beer. Finally a tech shirt this year, but it's still ugly.

Beer: MGD was a sponsor, so each runner got one beer. If you wanted a second or one for your spouse/other personal cheering section, they were $3 each.

Still a good race. Well organized; they split the half and full marathoners well, and had good traffic control. I will probably run again next year since I'm local.


S. K. from Denver, CO (10/22/2009)
"Great Course, Great Show" (about: 2009)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

I was very impressed with most aspects of this race. It was a great size (about 2000 marathon and another 5000 doing the other events). Although the 2006 Vegas Marathon made me swear off combined half-marathon/marathon events, the fact that they were combined for the 2009 Denver Marathon was barely noticeable. The starting chutes were a mess and it was impossible to get into the right corral without jumping over a fence (after squirming through 1,000 other runners). But once the race started, I was very impressed with the course (great parks, tree-lined residential areas) and the water/Gatorade stations. Great volunteer support. Crowds were so-so, but I didn't mind the sparseness. That fact made it that much easier for my wife to park along the course, see me a couple different places, and drive to the finish area. Finish area was great. Aside from the fact they were serving bad beer (MGD Light... a travesty for a city that hosts the Great American Beer Festival), the overall experience was awesome. Great race, flat course, scenic neighborhoods, and perfect city.


D. R. from Longmont, Colorado (10/22/2009)
"As good as it gets" (about: 2009)

50+ previous marathons | 2 New Denver Marathons

I ran my first marathon in 1982, the Rocky Mountain Marathon in Denver. Since then I have been running in organized events from the marathon up through 100-mile trail runs. Over the past 28 years, I have had plenty of opportunity to experience a whole range of courses and levels organization. This run is as well organized as it gets. As far as the course goes, it is flat and fast, the roads are all closed off to traffic and you get a great tour of the sights in Denver. If you are looking for a flat, scenic, road course, this is a great one. The event is big enough with about 9,000-10,000 entrants across the marathon, half and relay that there is plenty of hype and excitement, yet there aren't too many people to impede your pace in the run or to make it logistically difficult before or after the run with respect to parking, meeting people, etc. I'm fortunate to live locally, no need for me to travel to other cities for the ultimate marathon. The Denver Marathon has all that I'm looking for in a great marathon experience. My only hope is that it remains a quality event when it switches to a Rock 'n' Roll Marathon in 2010.


S. S. from Boulder, CO (10/18/2009)
"Wow! Great course! Great first marathon!" (about: 2009)

1 previous marathon | 1 New Denver Marathon

I did a lot of research to choose my first marathon and the Denver Marathon did not disappoint! The course was beautiful - it hit all of the Denver landmarks downtown, lovely neighborhoods, and three parks. Note that there are a lot of turns, especially in the beginning, which means you'll likely run longer than 26.2 unless you run the tangents perfectly, and who does that? (My Garmin read 26.45!)

Although obviously at 5180' elevation, it was a pretty flat course with some very mild hills. (I live here, so I can't comment on the effect of elevation on performance, but I assume it's a lot harder.) Weather was on the warm side (mid-high 70s), but I'll take that over the 25-degree temps last weekend. That's CO for you!

Organization was top notch and the water/Gatorade stations were numerous and well run (plus three GU stations). Only improvement would be to the start line: there need to be more openings to allow people on the sides to get onto the main road at the start.

I gave the spectators category four stars because there were many places there weren't many. But this really didn't bother me and it probably won't bother you either. And anyway, the course itself totally makes up for it.

I'd recommend staying at a downtown hotel - they are all about a 10-15-minute walk to the start/finish, and you can take the shuttle if you are pressed for time.

The Rock n'Roll Marathon is coming to Denver next year, so check to confirm that the course will be the same (hopefully it will be).

All in all, it was a great marathon, and I will be back in 2010!


G. S. from Indianapolis, IN (4/21/2009)
"Great Race!!" (about: 2008)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

This was my fourth marathon, and even though it was the smallest with the smallest crowds, it was definitely one of my favorites.

I actually enjoyed the smaller number of runners. Most runners actually did the half or relay, but the relay was nice because there were good crowds at all of the exchange points. The smaller crowds made everything so easy. It was easy getting to the start line and wasn't overly crowded after the race either.

If you're from out of town, there are lots of hotels within walking distance from the start/finish. So it was nice not to have to get up too early and to just walk 15 minutes to the start line, and it was just as good to have a short walk back to the hotel after the race. Everything was just very convenient.

The only downside I can think of was that the expo was kind of weak. But I was used to Chicago, New York and LA. And I was warned about altitude but it did not bother me at all.

Overall, great course and great race.


M. S. from NY, NY (11/9/2008)
"Good race, poor value" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

The course was outstanding, it was a beautiful day, and I thought the event was well-organized.

Spectators were friendly and enthusiastic, though if you want a wall of screamers the whole way, you'll be happier in Chicago or NYC.

That said, for the $100+ entry fee, I thought the event was chintzy. The cotton t-shirt was a huge disappointment, especially since buying tech t-shirts cost a minimum of $30. I would have loved more water and Gatorade at the finish instead of chips and bagels. I thought this was especially annoying since I also shelled out for plane tickets, hotel, rental car, etc.

Also, if you are traveling, the altitude will get you. This course is NOT a good for a BQ if you live at sea level.

Bottom line: come run in Denver for the experience of closed streets, clear blue skies, and clean, dry air. Just be prepared to pay for it.


S. D. from Fort Collins, CO (11/8/2008)
"Second Denver... Better Weather!!!" (about: 2008)

6-10 previous marathons | 2 New Denver Marathons

Ran this in 2007 when the temp was around 38 F and participants were soaked from the beginning to the end!!! Spectators were great in '08 compared to '07.... I didn't want to be in the rain, either! Fast course for locals; if you want to place in a race, it's fairly small and fast. Nice Boston qualifier. Gorgeous parks and Colorado fall colors! Great organization! Bad shirt! Nice medal!!!


R. C. from Denver, Colorado (11/6/2008)
"Good First Marathon" (about: 2008)

1 previous marathon | 1 New Denver Marathon

This was my first marathon so I don't know how the atmosphere compared to other marathons.

Weather: Almost perfect, though it did get a little warm at the end.

Organization: Well organized, nice starting area. I started in the first one third of the pack and it only took me 30 seconds to get to the start. Nicely spaced water stations.

Course: Since I live at 6,000 feet in Colorado, I wasn't bothered by the altitude. The course was mostly flat, with only a couple of small hills. The only complaint that I have was the loop around Washington Park; it seemed like we would never enter the park. I would have rather entered the park earlier, and then looped through other areas of the city.

Medal/Shirt/Food: Medal is big and nice. The shirt is not as nice as the one that I received at my last local 5K, and I expected better from a race with a $100 entry fee. The food at finish was sparse: bagels and bananas... and no sports recovery drinks.

Overall, it was a fun race. Because I live in the Denver area, I may consider running it again in the future. I hope that the directors will get a better t-shirt. This is the same complaint that others had in 2007.


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