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New Denver Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.4 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.0 
Number of comments: 108 [displaying comments 41 to 51]
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D. P. from Denver, CO (1/15/2008)
"Great Marathon" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 New Denver Marathon

This was my first half marathon. I was reluctant running it, as in previous years it got really bad reviews. But I did, and I am glad I did. I had a great time, the organization was great and the course was marked very well. I was expecting finish in over 2 hours, and I ran under. The weather was bad, but nobody can control that.
The only two bad things: For the price, it would be nice to have a tech shirt; and they run out of blankets at the finish (it was cold...). I am really considering going for the full marathon in 2008.


K. H. from Denver, CO (12/5/2007)
"GREAT RACE!" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

Was glad to run the marathon this year; I am sure won't be the last. The course was great, and the fans were great too, coming out in the cold and rain to cheer us on.


C. B. from Lakewood, Colorado (12/3/2007)
"Great way to show-off what a great city Denver is!" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

Great race. Good fans. Nice finishing medal. The weather at this time of the can make a marathon a guessing game as to what to wear.


C. P. from Littleton, Colorado (11/2/2007)
"Great Course" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons

I was apprehensive to run this marathon after reading the comments from 2006. However, all complaints from the 2006 marathon were addressed and corrected. The spotters on the course were great and there was no confusion when the marathoners split form the half marathoners. The Denver police did a great job of traffic control and most of the officers were very friendly. The volunteers and aid stations were great as was the course. The only negative to this marathon was the cold temperatures, wind, and pouring down rain, which the organizers cannot control.


George Higgs from Memphis, TN (10/29/2007)
"It is a no-hassle marathon" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

I enjoyed the location of the host hotel, Adams Mark, with trendy 16th St. out one door and the start/finish out the other. The late check-out was great. Of course, Denver is easy to fly into and there are many discount fares. Except for the airport being so far away from downtown, it is a no-hassle marathon. The organization, for a new marathon, was first-class.


l. s. from Wyoming (10/26/2007)
"I had a great time!" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

I had a great time running this race. The weather could have been more cooperative, but it is Colorado and that's one of the reasons we like Colorado. We train in Wyoming, so we have learned to deal with the elements and be prepared for anything! The volunteers were cheerful and helpful even in the pouring rain. Thank you! I thought the course was pretty. I enjoyed the trips around the parks and I got to see my fans in several places.

Next time........a tech shirt would be nice considering this is the highest entry price I have ever paid. Cotton, not so good for training (or advertisement while I'm training).

I would have run a personal best were it not for the police officer that stopped us for about 90-120 seconds around mile 16. The stopping paired with the cold created stiffness, making it hard to get started again. Perhaps a small course adjustment could help avoid this stop?

I was way too cold to stay around for the finish line, so I have no comments except thank heavens for the massage tent. The young lady who worked on me was very attentive to the needs of a runner who has just run 26.2 miles. She kept me warm with blankets and towels. She worked my legs, shoulders and neck. She was much appreciated.

I would run this race again! Especially if the Rockies played another playoff game the same day. (That was fun! Go Rockies!) Thanks, Denver. Finishing the Denver Marathon........priceless.


Cali Bigari from Colorado Springs (10/22/2007)
"Great experience" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 New Denver Marathon

First - Something I thought was really cool was in the registration packet there was advice for spectators on how to better encourage your runners. The spectators were great - really encouraging and enthusiastic.

I thought the course was really nice for a big city like Denver, the expo was great as was the pasta dinner.

The pacers and runners were all super friendly and I made quite a few new friends along the way!

Only a few downers - the shirt. Rotten cotton, like others said the reg. was really pricey, a tech shirt would've been nice. And unfortunately, I was with the group of runners who were stopped by an officer who started traffic again for a significant amount of time (over a minute) which was miserable getting cold and tight. Not only did he stop us, but was yelling at runners to the effect of 'stop because I say so'. It was disappointing, but this isn't the fault of DM. And the post race food - I couldn't even find it? I got a ticket for a hot dog but it was no where to be found.

All in all - a great race that I will definitely be doing again!


J. D. from Littleton, CO (10/22/2007)
"Best Marathon In Colorado!" (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 2 New Denver Marathons

This is by far the best marathon in Colorado. Here are the pros and cons.

1. The course is fairly flat (it does have some hills that the organization fails to mention).
2. The course is beautiful with all the parks and changing leaves!
3. Great finish area
4. good expo and great location for host hotel, only one block from start/finish.
5. It starts at 8:00 AM instead of the crack of dawn!
6. The weather in 2007 sucked, but the race did a good job of handling it. The 2006 weather was much better, but the race can't control the weather.
7. Great aid stations, a lot of gel stops and awesome volunteers!

1. It is very expensive...
2. You only get a cotton t-shirt. For the price, you should at least get a technical shirt.
3. There needs to be chip mats at the relay exchange points for the marathon runners to run over so there is no cutting of the course (which would be easy with this course) and then also at halfway so we can get our split times.
4. The course needs to come up a street a couple of blocks east of Santa Fe at the end. This will allow traffic to divert around the race at Santa Fe and Kalamath when they come off 6th Ave. This will help traffic congestion a ton! The difference can be made up on the out/back section on Seventh Ave.


Barb Leininger from Mineapolis, MN (10/20/2007)
"Denver Marathon shines despite the rain" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

My hat's off to Denver, the Denver Marathon staff, and especially the Denver Marathon volunteers. The rain was cold, my feet were numb, and my hands were not functioning for most of the race. Experience tells me if I was cold, the volunteers were frozen. Despite this, they were there to help me get water at every aid station with a smile on their face. I was also impressed with the Denver police. Although I have read the complaints about some traffic, this is the only marathon I have ever run in where the police were actually cheering on the runners. On a day when spectators were understandably few and far between, this was awesome. It's a very pretty course that definitely needs chip mats out there - way too many opportunities for short cuts. The organizers did a great job of adapting to the weather. For me it was a great experience and I will definitely do it again. I should probably mention I am from Minnesota where we run outside all winter - we know what cold is.


P. G. from Littleton, CO (10/20/2007)
"Fantastic! Well Done! An Instant Classic!" (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

Best race I've ever run. Very, very well organized. It was clear the staff and volunteers anticipated every detail. From the clearly marked and well-staffed information booth at the start to the space blankets at the finish line. And I'll bet they'd planned for contingencies that we never even knew about. Ample water and food stations. Exceptionally clear course with tons of visible security. The course was well planned and would have been faster had it not been for the rain and cold. Watch out Ft. Collins... Denver, yes DENVER may become the #1 Boston qualifier! Hats off to the hundreds of spectators who braved the cold and cheered the runners on. But come on, Denver drivers... give us a break! I encountered several angry drivers being held back by barricades and police. In their defense, I wonder if there could have been more detours planned rather than temporary road closures. How should I know, Jim? I'm a runner - not city planner! Expo was also great, but I'm sure the rain put a damper on sales. Oh I forgot about the packet pick up, which was also incredibly well organized. The volunteers were very friendly, well informed and encouraging. Great job, Denver! I can't wait until next year.


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