calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

New Denver Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.4 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.0 
Number of comments: 108 [displaying comments 51 to 61]
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C. L. from Florida, USA (10/19/2007)
"Denver Rocks!" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

I only did the half, but many of the comments apply to both.

Despite the freezing rain, I must say that this is one of the races I have enjoyed the most. It was really well organized and the volunteers were terrific. The people of Denver were incredibly hospitable. The Adams Mark Hotel was a wonderful place to stay and the pasta dinner was a lot more than I expected. It was great to be within walking distance of the start/finish. I enjoyed the expo, and registration was very smooth. There were plenty of hydration stations throughout. Very good signaling of the course. Very enthusiastic volunteers and fans. A beautiful medal. The only thing I would change would be the t-shirt and the food at the finish. They had a sponsor giving out hot dogs, which was nice on such a cold day, but we didn't even get a little jelly to put on our bagels. I would have loved to see a better variety of food. Other than that, this was a truly wonderful experience and I can't thank the people of Denver enough.


T. S. from Colorado (10/19/2007)
"Overall a good race in Colorado" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

Normally we have beautiful weather in Colorado, but we had a fluke miserable day. Anyone considering this race should not let 2007's weather deter them from this race. The course was pretty nice. Unlike some of the other people who commented here, I liked the parks, as there were a lot of spectators there. The early part (the first half, maybe) of the course seemed to pass the most landmarks and was the most visually interesting to me. A lot of the roads in Denver were closed, but it was still possible for my husband to drive around and catch me at various points on the course. There were a few small hills on the course, but it was in now way what I would consider 'hilly'. None of the hills were big enough to cause my mile splits to vary greatly, in other words. The race organization was great. There were plenty of water and gatorade stops. The volunteers were great. My one minor complaint is that I thought the t-shirt was pretty cheap for a rather hefty entrace fee that we paid. The medal, however, was very nice. (I do note run races for those reasons, but I know these things are very important to some people, so I thought I would comment on them). The race was very well-done and well-organized. There were pace groups for people who are into that kind of thing. I was impressed with the professionalism and organization overall. I can tell the RD is trying to turn this into a big city kind of event. I definitely recommend this race to people looking for a marathon in Colorado that is not of the 'extreme' variety.


K. E. from Denver, CO (10/18/2007)
"Great Race!" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

I really enjoyed the race! It was well organized, great course, miles were well marked, there were plenty of water stations/gatorade, gu stations,etc. Fluid stations had gatorade in front (in gatorade cups which was helpfull to spot) and water in the back, which was logical. The volunteers were also outstanding, thanks!

Suggestions, too many turns the last 1/4 mile. You just want to finish and not have to keep turning. I'd also like to see a tech shirt, instead of the cheap cotton shirt. I'd also suggest chip timing to be used for designated intervals.

Overall it was a fantastic race and thanks for all the hard work that goes into putting on a successful race.


Simon Escorcia from Denver (10/18/2007)
"Well Done!" (about: 2007)

3 previous marathons | 2 New Denver Marathons

This is my second year running the Denver Marathon. The race is well organized, and I enjoyed the course. The rain was a bit of a hindrance, but a morning rain in Denver is an anamoly.

Two suggestions, replace the cotton shirt with a tech shirt. Second, have chip timing at 5k, 10k, half, etc.

Denver puts on a great race, and I think this event will eventually be a big time marathon!


F. M. from Denver (10/18/2007)
"Finally, a world-class race for Denver" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

Other than to express my appreciation for having water stations every mile a rare luxury for a marathon I won't add to the many other comments praising the various elements of this race. All of that praise is well-deserved.

What is telling for me is the fact that I can only come up with a handful of criticisms, none of which are particularly notable. Tech shirts instead of cotton would be nice (especially given the $100+ entry fee). A third gel stop between 6 and 20 would have helped space things out. I've had friends running a 4:00 pace say that a police officer made them stop at an intersection for half a minute or so in order to let traffic through. That's troubling and a good reason for a little more police training, but given the number of streets that had to be closed, it's not surprising that one or two cops along the route didn't quite get the point. Chip mats for splits at the halfway point etc. would have been nice. The weird little loop in the last .5 mile is a little disconcerting, but overall, the course was pretty well designed.

It's impossible to plan for the rain, when does it ever rain in Colorado? The fact that the race went off without a hitch despite the weather is a testament to the good organization and dedicated volunteers. This is exactly the kind of race a city like Denver deserves, and definitely one to come back for.


Mike Rosner from Ogden, Utah (10/17/2007)
"Good job Denver" (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 2 New Denver Marathons

I enjoyed running both the 2006 and 2007 Denver Marathons. I was very surprised that so many volunteers and spectators came out during the bad weather in 2007. Thanks really support your marathon. I have a complaint about a cop who failed to stop a driver who almost ran over me. Those two must be the only idiots in Denver. Also, Dave, how about a tech shirt instead of the cotton ones that are handed out for entering. I have run many marathons that don't charge as much as DM and they give out tech shirts.


T. L. from Canyon Country, CA (10/17/2007)
"Overall a good race." (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

Denver has 300 days of sunshine a year, and it was our bad luck that this was not one of them. Kudos to the spectators and volunteers who came out and cheered and passed out fluids in the cold and rain.
Expo was upbeat but small. I expected more vendors. Where was RaceReady? RRS's $50 shoe table was good (scored 2 pairs) and the Pearl Izumi booth was very nice.
Pre-race was miserable due to rain, although that was not the organizers' fault. Suggest a rain poncho be in each race bag. And more portapotties would be helpful.
Course mostly good, not too hilly, good use of city parks. I do think chip mats on the course would have helped, particularly at the end of the out & back at Mile 14 and also at the beginning of the Washington Park portion - it would have been very easy to cut the course as we started circling the outside of the park, cutting off about 4 miles. (No, I didn't.) I was very worried about the altitude before coming to Denver, but it didn't make a big difference to me or to my time.
I understand a 6 hour cutoff, and I'm slow, but I didn't like being told I would have to move to the sidewalk shortly when I was at an under-6-hour pace even using gun time. My chip time was well under 6 hours. Never heard the gun go off so I had no idea what the difference was, but I was under 6 hour pace from mile 8 on (I was running with a slow friend when she did the first leg of the relay).
We picked this for a group race because it was not likely to fill up and because it had a varying-leg relay. That was good. The big comment about the relay is that it would have been nice to have a few vans or buses circling the course to pick up relay runners and shuttle them to the finish, rather than having many private vehicles trying to get to the relay runners. And many cities allow runners free transit rides on race day, can that be a possibility for next year? We used the light rail and had to remember to bring $$ for it.
Very little at the finish line but I admire the volunteers for staying in the cold, windy, rainy weather. Thanks again for that!
Overall a reasonable race, not one I am thinking 'must do again' but certainly a nice one.


A. T. from Chicago, Illinois (10/17/2007)
"Well Organized, Friendly Marathon." (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

I ran the Denver Marathon after the entrance fee was generously waived for runners unable to complete the Chicago Marathon. The organizers were extremely welcoming and friendly. Loved the course. Plenty of variety and outstanding volunteers... even in the cold rain!


Stephen May from Dallas, Tx (10/16/2007)
"Great Marathon" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

This was my 2nd marathon and let me tell you how great I thought it was. The best part about it was all of the volunteers passing out water and Gatorade. They were fantastic. I was not a real big fan of being able to see people who were way ahead of me in the parks, but that is being nit-picky. The medal was really cool. I trained in the heat of Texas, so the cold and rain felt great. Denver will be a yearly stop for me and I will highly recommend it to all of my running group here in Texas at RunOn. Thanks, Denver.


J. B. from Littleton, Colorado (10/16/2007)
"Best marathon I have run." (about: 2007)

4-5 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

Course was great, some small hills, but nice scenery. Good fan support the whole race. The water station frequency and spacing was perfect. The volunteers were incredibly helpful despite the poor weather. In general, the race support was awesome - for example, after I crossed the finish line I had an open bottle of water and a cup of Gatorade thrust into my hands as my medal was placed around my neck. Race was extremely well organized and executed. The best part of all - the finisher's medal.


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