calendar icon Oct 6, 2024

New Denver Marathon Runner Comments

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Course Rating Course 4.3 
Oranization Rating Organization 4.4 
Spectator Rating Spectators 4.0 
Number of comments: 108 [displaying comments 61 to 71]
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p. q. from Denver, CO (10/16/2007)
"Close to perfect" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 New Denver Marathon

This was my first marathon, and my only complaint was the weather. Living in Denver, I know we get that kind of all-day rain in October maybe once every two years, so that was just a stroke of bad luck. But the weather didn't really bother me until I stopped and then I got real cold real fast.
I think the course is pretty easy, only 2 real hills of note and they are both less than 1/4 mile. I don't mind the park loops, they break up the course for me and give me mental checkpoints along the way.
Plenty of aid stations, plenty of volunteers, and plenty of spectators given the conditions. Traffic control seemed perfect to me.
It was too bad I just had to leave at the end, but I could not get warm...I would have liked to have hung out a bit, but the weather did not permit.
I think if the race keeps on its current path, this could become a great race. I'd actually hate to see it get too popular because right now it seems to be about the perfect size.


R. M. from Humble, Texas (10/16/2007)
"Worth Running" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

7 days prior I was in Chicago running in the record heat. I was able to complete the course but not in the time I wanted. The Denver marathon then extended an offer that allowed the Chicago runners to come to Denver and run for FREE. That was a class move for a marathon that should continue to grow in the years to come. The weather was not the best, I liked the temps but the rain made it difficult. I was able to get a PR and only missed Boston by 6 minutes which made it a good race. The spectators that were out were great, there just wasn't alot of them because of the weather. I think they should look at splitting the marathon and half marathon at the start. I will be back again and thanks Denver for allowing me to run the race for FREE.


m. w. from Denver, CO (10/16/2007)
"Half-marathon walker" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon

The weather was cold and rainy, but the volunteers toughed it out, and so did we. This did seem to be a well organized race as to packet pickup, food afterwards, etc. My only complaint is the lack of porta-potties along the route. I finally ducked into a Starbucks for relief. Thanks for your hospitality!


Rob Klein from Aurora, Colorado (10/16/2007)
"A rainy day more typical of Seattle..." (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

This was a well organized event, though it was difficult to get in and pick up my race packet and was difficult to find parking even for that. The pre-race seemed a bit chaotic to me, but perhaps was anticipated given the number of participants. On race day it rained - or drizzled - from pre dawn, all day long, with a forecast high of 45 F. The race course was really well layed out. There was one uphill stretch early on - on 17th St, heading east through downtown, as I remember. But it wasn't too steep. Running near the zoo was nice, and through the other parks too. There was plenty of Gatorade and water, and there was an abundance of Clif Shots - in fact tables full of them in/at Washington Park (so I got 2 extras for later on in the race). The toughest part was running from 1st Ave. up to 13th Ave. on Sante Fe Drive, somewhere around mile 24. Those blocks were sooo long, but it was that close to the end. The voulnteers were splendid for being out there in these conditions serving the runners and cheering us on. Also, overall fan support was outstanding. More port-a-potties on the course would have been welcomed. This is the first marathon (of my 7) where the runners could have their name on their bib. This encouraged more personal fan support, and runners encouraged other runners by name. That was cool. It was a really good idea! Thanks for a great event.


A. P. from Lafayette, Colorado (10/15/2007)
"Great experience despite the weather!!" (about: 2007)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

I just want to take this opportunity to thank the race organizers, all the volunteers, and all the fans who braved the elements to put on such an awesome race. Despite the weather, I had a great day and a wonderful experience. I enjoyed the running tour of Denver. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


A. Y. from Black Hills (10/15/2007)
"Class Act Race" (about: 2007)

50+ previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

This race is one of the best organized events I've encountered. You get off the escalator at the packet pick-up to encounter a friendly person who directs you where you need to go. The process is easy and streamlined, with enough of an expo that bargains are available if you are inclined to shop. Course is an A+ city run that takes you past numerous sites of interest along a lot of very scenic streets. I'm sure I'll enjoy it much more next year, when it won't be raining and my glases won't be so fogged up! Aid stations are very clear about water/gatorade. Police are OUTSTANDING; they keep traffic moving but have the knowledge to know when you'll hit the intersection and FORCEFULLY stop traffic so you can go on without stopping. A lot of the officers I thanked along the way responded by clapping and thanking me for running. Really, these cops are aces and deserve A+ marks for keeping us safe and for making us feel welcome.
The course is perfect - ups and downs, but nothing major, biggest issue is dealing with the altitude if you are not used to that. Really, as an experienced marathon runner, I highly recommend this race. The only constructive criticism I have is that the family meet-up area post race needs to be more prominently marked (it was cold, we were spacy, it was hard to find famly). Hot soup at the end would be a nice touch. It is a great event and one I look forward to running again.


M. C. from Alabama (10/15/2007)
"Amazing volunteers in the cold rain!" (about: 2007)

11-50 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

There should be nothing but kudos for the race director and all involved in this marathon. The number of volunteers at the very plentiful aid stations, especially on a cold, rainy Sunday morning, was nothing short of amazing. A very special "thank you" to Ray, who guided us through the last few miles when our feet were wet, cold and numb, and our legs were cramped. I highly recommend this marathon to beginners and veterans alike.


C. B. from Denver, CO (10/15/2007)
"Great race in my home town!" (about: 2007)

2 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

Once you got over the bad weather, this was a GREAT marathon experience! I am so proud that this race is in my home town! The few minor issues I had were more than made up for with the great support and well thought out course. Even though it was cold and rainy, there were more spectators than I expected and they were sooo enthusiastic! Running for 26 miles sure gives you a different look at your city - it was so neat to see three great parks along with the Pepsi Center and Coors Field all in one day. Never mind that my hands were numb by mile 20 - I didn't care! My only suggestions would be to have the gear check closer to the start line and have more Mylar blankets at the finish. My husband and sister ran the half and were told that they were out, but I received one when I finished the full.

All and all, a great experience. My thanks to the director and staff. You made me proud!!


Andrew Weinkle from Denver, CO (10/15/2007)
"Great First Marathon" (about: 2007)

1 previous marathon | 1 New Denver Marathon

This was my first marathon and it was a great experience. The course was interesting and not too challenging. There was a good amount of fan support even though it was 37 degrees and raining the whole time.


M. B. from Boulder, Colorado (10/15/2007)
"Overall, a really good marathon that I recommend" (about: 2004)

6-10 previous marathons | 1 New Denver Marathon

I ran the marathon one week after a poor finish in Chicago due to the heat. Yesterday the weather was great in my opinion - rainy and cold, with some minor breezes. The course is not flat as some suggest and certainly is fairly challenging, but very nice overall. The reason I only gave the course 3 stars is due to the parts that go through City Park, Cheesman Park and Washington Park. All 3 were hilly and due to looping just not that enjoyable. I am guessing they do that to save dollars on street closings but I much preferred the sections of the course on the roads. Finally, I didn't like the fact that the half marathoners start with the marathoners and the course is the same until about mile 11.5. This might cause problems for less experienced marathoners unable to judge their pace well. Overall though I thought the race was well run and for just 2 years, it's a real up-and-comer. I recommend it highly.


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